Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

August 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order 7:00PM
    1. Officers: Brenan, David, Rebecca
    2. Directors: Joe K, Matt, Nancy, Jason (7:15)
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. 148 members (145 members last month)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
    2. Safety and Education – Jared Cook
    3. Communications – David Elliott
    4. Membership – Joe Koncikowski
      1. Need to get forms to board members
    5. Programs/Volunteers – Nancy Douty
      1. Bringing shirts
    6. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post
  6. Old Business
    1. White Salmon roundup
      1. Extra camping payment ($20)
      2. Consider adding Thursday night
        1. David create poll to ask members
      3. Proposal: Send letter to member suggesting they take a safety class, use scholarship
        1. Rebecca to draft letter
    2. Poker Run status
      1. Stations handled
      2. Early shuttle 8am
      3. Jason has supplies
      4. Rebecca will help at put-in
      5. Brenan bringing scaffolding for tables
    3. Charter renewal – handled and paid
  7. New Business
    1. Reminder: Do not take membership money without a form
    2. Appoint Nominating Committee
      1. Any member can be on this committee
        1. Brenan is chair
        2. David, Nancy, Joe to help
      2. Slate of candidates needs to be completed by October 1
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 8/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Sauktoberfest teaser
    3. NOTE: Gear Swap and Tieton articles will continue from July Waterlog
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Rebecca still needs to look into legal language
    2. Tieton dumpster – garbage only
    3. David make sure RiverBooty orders dumpster
  10. Adjourn 7:48