Board Member Duties

The WRRR Board of Directors is responsible for putting on club events and administering the club. The duties are somewhat flexible, based on the skills and interests of the board members.

Officers and Directors

President – Makes sure everything gets done. Speaks at events. Drives the effort to get new board members.

VP Business – Takes meeting minutes and gets them published.

VP Finance – Handles the club accounts and handles the membership database.

VP River Ops – Organizes and puts on all of the club events. Writes and edits the articles about upcoming events. Oversees the Safety and Education committee. This is a hard job, and this VP should solicit help from other board members and club members.

Director-At-Large – Helps out wherever needed. Learns how the club works in hopes of taking over an officer position in the future.

Chairperson – Runs the board meetings. Traditionally, this has been done by the President, but this is not required.

Officers should try to attend all club events. In particular, the President, VP Finance, and VP River Ops should be present at every club event if possible. All board members are expected to attend board meetings. There are 11 board meetings per year, but only 4 (January, April, July, and October) are in person. All others are phone conferences.

Committee Chairs

The committee chairs run various special committees. Chairs do not have to be board members, but they are expected to attend board meetings. Here are basic descriptions for the committees:

Membership – Firstly, the Membership committee does not handle the membership database. The main responsibility of Membership is to get new members and get past members to renew.

Programs – Handles non-river events, including making reservations for in-person board meetings.

T-Shirts – In charge of the WRRR merchandise. This includes maintaining the inventory, buying new items, and selling items. Should plan on attending all club events where there is camping.

River Watch – Monitors river access issues. WRRR is not a political organization, so this is not an “activist” position.

Safety and Education – Puts on safety events. Should expect to organize at least one safety class per year. Also handles the safety scholarship program.

Communications – Helps communicate events and issues to the club. Should have reasonably good computer skills.

Staff Members

Staff members are not board members, but report to the board. These positions require specialized skills, and in recognition for this staff members are given a complimentary Benefactor membership while they hold the positions. The complimentary memberships count towards the Rule of 85.

Newsletter Editor – The newsletter editor is responsible for assembling and creating the club newsletter The Waterlog, with the help of the Communications Committee.

IT Specialist – This person is responsible for maintaining the web site and the software for managing the club. This person must be skilled in programming (currently this means writing WordPress plugins using PHP and Javascript) and work with the club officers to implement software to help run the club.