APRIL 2024
April 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Tamie Stonke / April 16, 2024
- Call to order – Repo called to order @ 7:03 PM w/ Rebecca, Tamie, Mark, Karie, Randy R and Nancy in person, Brenan, Adam and Candice on the phone.
- Review minutes and approve – March minutes approved
- Check previous month’s action items – no previous action items.
- Review agenda – reviewed agenda
- 131 members (141 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
- Standing Committee Reports
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Nothing to report.
- River Watch – Rebecca Post – Nisqually River – WDFW fishing access, placing a paved parking lot and boat ramp at 6th Ave takeout.
- Safety and Education – Candice Larson – Swift Water Rescue course class is full!
- Communications – Brenan Filippini – new website to roll out soon.
- Membership – Tamie Stonke – Nothing to report
- Programs and Volunteers – Repo to see if Jay Cohen will take responsibility for P&V.
- Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – NTR
- WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – New sun hoodies on order!
- Events
- In person meeting @ Claim Jumpers 4/9/202 @ 7:00 PM
- Nisqually River Cleanup – 49 participants, 1,477 Lbs of trash cleared from the river, 50+ burgers cooked @ BBQ, flow of 1,330cfs
- Swiftwater Rescue 4/20 – Class is full, taking place @ Powerhouse on the Snoqualmie River
- Spring Picnic – 4/28 @ Lake Ballinger Boat Ramp – Flip Practice, Rowers Progression, BBQ/Potluck
- Green River Cleanup – 40th Annual! – 5/4 – Food nailed down. Still looking for volunteers. BBQ is at picnic shelter #3 from 3-5pm. GreenRiverCleanup.org
- Upper Clackamas – 5/18 – The gal doing the t-shirts, etc is retiring and a replacement will be needed.
- Bob Johnson Memorial – Camping at the Gun Club Thursday – Sunday, 5/30 – 6/2. Group Photo, taken by Mike Curtis, @ 1:30pm on the island after Drunkard’s Drop. Root beer floats provided. Local Leavenworth musician to play after Potluck! Motion for WRRR to cover $200.00 approved, remaining $100.00 needed by donations.
- Misc River Ops
- Old Business
- Chris Hewitt still not getting WRRR Waterlog. Issue w/gmail addresses remains the culprit. New website to correct this issue.
- Insurance for WRRR Board Members? Paddlesport Risk Management. What does the insurance cover? Needs? Risks?
- New Business
- Wenatchee Rendezvous General Membership meeting agenda
- Discuss what officer positions directors are interested in learning – Adam a hopeful for the VP Finance position in 2025.
- Membership letter to members expired within 3 years
- Waterlog articles needed by 4/20
- NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
- VP River Ops – Wenatchee Rendezvous full article
- VP River Ops – Sauk Overnighter – Cancelled
- VP River Ops – White Salmon teaser
- Announcements and good of the order
- Adjourn
MARCH 2024
March 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Tamie Stonke / March 12, 2024
- Call to order @ 7:02 by Rebecca – Repo, Nancy, Tamie, Mark, Candice, Jarrad, Randy, Brenan, Duane, Bob Sawhill
- Review minutes and approve – Brenan motion to approve, Repo 2nd – minutes approved
- Check previous month’s action items
- Review agenda
- 141 members (135 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
- Standing Committee Reports
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Nothing to report
- River Watch – Rebecca Post/Candice Larson – Reported log on the Sauk from tree fall @ Jaws.
- Safety and Education – Rebecca Post/Candice – 6 people signed up for Swiftwater Rescue course. Will repost the glass to refresh and, hopefully, fill the slots.
- Communications – Brenan Filippini – Has not heard anything in the new website. Per Jarrad, hopefully something to report by the end of the month. Facebook moderating – issues with a possible dangerous individual. Post was made by the individual with experience with the issue/person. FB administrators removed the person and removed the post after it had run its course.
- Membership – Tamie Stonke – Website is still working for new members to join.
- Programs and Volunteers – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
- Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – AW note thanking for donation, card from Thomas O’Keefe, credit card bill. New member, check dated 2/1. Mark stated that between Konasket Palmer and Cumberland, there is a gravel pit that is purposed to use gravel along the Green River.
- WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – Will get list of what we have and what is needed to Nancy.
- Events
- April meeting, April 9th, @ Claim Jumpers
- Nisqually River Cleanup on April 6th
- Swiftwater Rescue Class – April 20th
- Spring Picnic/Rower’s Progression – April 28th
- 40th Annual Green River Cleanup – May 4th
- Upper Clackamas Whitewater – May 18th
- Bob Johnson Memorial Wenatchee Rendezvous – Jun 1st
- Misc River Ops
- Old Business
- Web creation. See discussion under communication.
- New Business
- Leavenworth boat launch porta-potties – City of Leavenworth to provide toilets at the launch. WRRR only needs to provide toilets for camping at the Dryden Gun Club.
- April board meeting location – Claim Jumpers. Nancy to make reservation.
- Insurance! Randy is working to get information as to what the OWA has for insurance for the club, liability insurance for the board members. Thoughts? Club is more a means to meet with people for private boating. Still researching what is available out there for club insurance.
- Waterlog articles needed by 3/20
- NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
- Repo will provide Nisqually Clean-Up article
- VP River Ops – Green River Cleanup full article – Mark will provide
- Programs – Flip Practice full article
- Announcements and good of the order
- Adjourn
February 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Tamie Stonke / February 13, 2024
- Call to order @ 7:09 called to order by Rebecca – Rebecca, Brenan, Nancy, Randy E, Candace, Tamie, Adam
- Establish Quorum – estabished
- Review minutes and approve: Approved
- Check previous month’s action items
- President’s message done.
- WRRR Wear online – moved to next month.
- Review agenda
- 148 members (146 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
- Standing Committee Reports
- -Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan. Need to talk to Megan about helping DW trips. Hoping to add DW calendar events.
- -River Watch – Candice Larson – Kayakers possibly to go in and cut the logs out on the Tilton. Tilton cancelled due to low flows.
- -Safety and Education – Rebecca/Candace -Brenan made the motion for WRRR to cover $1,400 of expense. Must be a WRRR member in good standing prior to January 1, 2024. Repo 2nd the motion. Approved. Lance with Wildwater/Sierra happy to teach a class April 20-21, 2024. $300/per person. WRRR to pay $140 for up to 10 people, $1,400 total. Need article for website and Waterlog, Candice working on. Brenan to add to calendar. Wilderness First-Aid flyer in the mail. Will post to Facebook page for information.
- -Communications – Jarrad K – Working with website rebuild. Brenan to check on status.
- -Membership – Tamie Stonke. Brenan would like to discuss adding a lifetime membership to the new website. Discussion with some members over the years that they would prefer to pay for lifetime membership even if it cost them more than a normal renewal. This seems like it would be easy to do with a custom $ value on the new website. Brenan thought for discussion $960 for a standard lifetime at 32 years x $30. It’s probably prudent to discuss raising dues, but so far everything seems to be holding steady. Reminder we did not charge dues for the covid year, even though several people paid it anyway. On the lifetime membership, do we need to have an annual update for liability? Advantages to being a lifetime member?
- -Programs and Volunteers – Nobody volunteered. Consensus to ask Jay, as he has generally had ideas about new or existing programs. Reminder, that a committee leader or member does not need to be a board member. In fact, we encourage help from non board members.
- -Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty Nancy picked up mail. Thank you from AW for donation. Looking for another donation. Repo motioned that Nancy pay AW $500 donation for 2024. Motion 2nd and approved. Other mail, credit card statement. Brenan has access online to view statements.
- -WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – What are we doing with shirts? Need T-shirts, hoodies and sun shirts ordered.
- Events
- -Tilton Trek. Need a trip leader. Log jam in crux spot last report, should we cancel, or who is taking lead? CANCELLED
- -Misc River Ops – Randy E has straps from Bill Yeager. Will meet with Tamie to pass them off. Repo has a spool of rope to be split for pin kits. Mark has 2 duffle bags for the pin kits. Randy Rogers can make the prusiks. Repo will work with Randy on the pin kits.
- -Green preclean last weekend in April. The parks may need our help. They are going to get back to Brenan in the next week or 2. Not confirmed as of yet. Brenan to confirm pre-clean.
- -Green River Cleanup. The 40th annual event needs your help! We currently need several volunteers for registration and some other spots seen on www.greenrivercleanup.org. We are close to having the basic event covered. The green river cleanup committee is trying to do some special things, but we need some volunteer leaders to take things to the next level. OWA will have boaters joining. Trying to keep everything on the GreenRiverCleanup.org website. Food seems to be covered.
- Old Business
- -Status of safety class planning. Candice:
Lance at Wildwater to teach a swift water rescue April 20-21, but Repo said we need board approval. Cost is $300/person, with WRRR covering half. Students will get a cert from Sierra Rescue International upon completion. Discussion
- -Mic will need some help with content, web design, etc. Brenan plans to help but will need additional people. Brenan plans to keep calendar updated thru 2024 year end.
- -Status of safety class planning. Candice:
- New Business
- -Status for getting donations of prizes (VP business in the past, it seems that several board members work on it past years.) Repo donating throw bags and rope for pin kits.
- -BOD insurance discussion, loosing BOD volunteers not having it. We have had before. Brenan notes that a small HOA in Marble mount owns property, had 28 lots and the insurance is about $900 a year. We have a 65 acre common lot and a well. Looking into getting a quote for BOD insurance to cover the board members from being sued should an accident occur during a WRRR event. Possible presentation to go over what would be covered. Randy is working on this and will update when able.
- -Increasing dues if needed? Keep as placeholder for future discussion. It seems we are holding steady and gaining $1,500 or so each year. We have spent down some money on website and other high dollar items. Discuss for any mechanism for raising dues for success of future board.
- -Discuss budget for approval 2024 – 2024 budget passes.
- Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
- NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
- Green River Cleanup teaser article
- Announcements and good of the order
- Adjourn
January 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
WRRR Admin / January 3, 2024
- -Call to order 6:37 pm called to order by Rebecca.
- -2024 Board members Present:; Rebecca P, Nancy D, Randy E, Brenan F, Mark B, Duane H, Candice L, Adam S*
- -General Members present. Randy D, Megan K, Karie B, Jarrad K, Kim F
- -Quorum established
- -Review agenda
- -Review November’s meeting minutes. Added Website update, vote to approve, 2nd, passed approval for the new website budget and passed the Nov minutes as amended.
- -New Board
- -We start the year with 146 members
- Introduce officers. Repo President, Brenan VP finance, Tamie Stonke VP business, Randy E River ops (Prizes, organizes camping, river operations).
- Mark Burns, Candice L, Nancy D, Duane H
- Go over officer duties via the by laws. (See by-laws)
- -Elect Chairperson – Rebecca, motion, 2nd and motion carries.
- -Randy DeMarco offers to help with operations! Excellent!!! A big help this year as Randy E will be traveling.
- -At large members offer opinions for what we need to focus on, T-shirts, misc discussion how the website will help T-shirt sales.
- -Made a motion, 2nd and passed unanimously to add Adam Shierenbeck to the board. Motion carries.
- Select Committee Chairs and go over duties
- -River Watch: Repo (information sharing. River access is a big part of this, keeping put in / take outs open, cross club sharing)
- -Safety and Education: Candice. Rebecca will help setup a safety class this spring / early summer. Finance budget to approve scholarships, or sponsor the cost of the class. Total safety budget $1,400
- -Communications: Jarrad steps up!
- -Programs/Volunteers: table for Jay, discuss at Feb meeting.
- -WRRR Wear: Adam and Repo
- -Membership committee: Brenan and Tamie
- -Finance committee: Brenan, Adam and Duane. Meet with the goal of passing information to next year easily. Brenan will email the budget revisions for approval prior to Feb meeting.
- -Waterlog: Jarrod. The board thanks him for such great work!!!
- Old Business
- -January membership meeting. Thursday Jan 18th. The club will buy appetizers. Permit season is now thru Jan 31 and further. Nancy has reserved Claim Jumper
- -Introduce new board to general membership
- -Permit info.
- -Audit committee report. Nancy, Brenan and Repo met at Nancy’s house. Some discussion about the budget format, how data gets inputted. Copies of expenses provided. Brenan makes a note that most of the prizes are paid for 2024. Camping for 2024 is paid for in 2023, but we need to pay for 2025 camping in 2024. We have the website expenditure, but with no safety classes in 2023, we still have above average funds. We expect the new website to get some extra membership money, T-shirt, etc. Brenan notes that the new member join button wasn’t working on the website for a couple months. At the Tieton, we used “renew” as a work around, but it may have been too late to capture a few new members.
- -January membership meeting. Thursday Jan 18th. The club will buy appetizers. Permit season is now thru Jan 31 and further. Nancy has reserved Claim Jumper
- Events for the year. See the wrrr.org calendar.
- -General discussion of the main events. See website calendar for more info. Please forward any updates or edits needed.
- -White Salmon needs updated, Nancy to confirm with Zoe Hollenbeck
- New Business
- -Hollenbeck Park reservation. Nancy will confirm. (Update via email, date has changed and camping is confirmed. B updated website with correct date. July 19th / 20th.) Thanks Nancy!
- -Need people to touch base with diversify whitewater. Megan can keep lead. Discussion about DW events
- -RandyE needs to pass prizes along to Mark. Mark to get camping for Wenatchee
- -Kd7rv0 will check about toilets. Mark will check to.
- -Kim says send the waterlog!
- Waterlog articles needed by 1/20
- -NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
- -Keep information updated on wrrr.org. Waterlog articles or sharing of events can culminate from wrrr.org
- -President – President’s welcome message. Repo to send
- Announcements and good of the order
- -Green river cleanup committee needs volunteers. It’s the 40th annual. Currently we do not have enough people to run the event, but we always find people and make it work. There is a committee to do some special stuff for the 40th. Please consider adding some time for this amazing event. Repo to send out summary article of the last GRCU committee. All info for the cleanup comes from www.greenrivercleanup.org
- -Thank you to the new members
- -Adjourn, 2nd, -motion carries.
Washington Recreational River Runners (WRRR) is a private, nonprofit corporation organized to promote the safe, recreational use and enjoyment of all.
- July 2024 WRRR Board Meeting AgendaJuly 9, 2024 - 8:27 pm
- Monthly Board MeetingJune 19, 2024 - 1:05 pm
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