Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

January 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order – 7:02pm
    1. Officers: Nancy, Repo, Joe, Karie
    2. Directors: Paul, Randy, Erik
  2. Possible Motto: “The wetter the better”
  3. Review agenda
  4. New Board
    1. We start the year with 149 members
    2. Introduce officers
      1. Pres: Nancy
      2. VP Business: Karie Burns
      3. VP Finance: Rebecca Post (Repo)
      4. VP River Ops: Joe Koncikowski
    3. Elect Chairperson: Nancy nominated and approved by all.
    4. Go over officer duties:
  5. Select Committee Chairs and go over duties
    1. River Watch: Repo chair, Randy & Erik on committee
    2. Safety and Education: Repo chair, Lance & Randy on committee
    3. Communications: David Elliot chair, Paul on committee
    4. Programs/Volunteers: Brenan chair, Jim Johnson & Mark Burns on committee
    5. WRRR Wear: Repo chair, Paul on committee
    6. Membership – recruit new members (finance remains in charge of collecting dues): Steve Plutt chair, Eric on committee
    7. Mail & Reservations – pick up mail and ensure reservations are made: Joe Chair.
  6. Old Business
    1. January membership meeting @ Big E brewery in Mount Lake Terrace. Room from 6-9. Meeting at 7pm.  Jim Johnson to order apps
      1. Introduce new board to general membership: Nancy
      2. Permit info: Brenan
      3. Shangrila for 2021?
      4. Rogue or Lower Salmon: Discuss days for permits
      5. Clackamas Whitewater River Festival 5/15-17: Anyone want to form race teams?
    2. Audit committee report
      1. Audit complete and spreadsheet has been balanced.  It was close to being on balance for the year.
      2. New spreadsheet created for 2020.
      3. 2020 budget overview in Feb meeting.
      4. Suggested/Requested that we provide balance at end of year
  7. Events for the year
    1. Motion: Make the Rower’s Progression an official WRRR event managed by River Ops
      1. 4-5 trips starting w/class 2 & 3-
      2. Do not need to be a member
      3. Do need to sign a waiver
      4. Do need to follow AW Safety Code of Conduct
      5. Repo motioned, Paul Seconded, all approved
    2. Tilton Trek (2020-02-15): Brian V lead. Need updated wood report
    3. Niqually Cleanup (2020-04-04): Repo lead. Preferred Eventbright sign-up beforehand.  Volunteers can sign-up on day of event.
    4. Flip Practice (2020-04-26): Jim J. lead. @ Lake Ballenger
    5. Green River Cleanup (2020-05-02): Joe K. WRRR would need a benefactor and 1 year advance reservation in order to afford Shangrila again.
    6. Wenatchee Rendezvous (2020-05-30): Joe K.
    7. Sauk Overnighter (2020-06-20): Brenan
    8. White Salmon Retreat (2020-07-18): Kat, Aaron, Nancy, Randy
    9. Poker Run (2020-08-22): Joe K.
    10. Tieton Rally (2020-09-12): Joe K.
    11. Rogue or Lower Salmon (2020-09-23): Brenan. May change permit days to Mon & Tuesday.  To be discussed during membership meeting.
    12. Gear Swap (2020-10-10): Mark Burns
    13. Sauktoberfest (2020-10-24): Brenan. Randy Rogers requested to join the float.
  8. New Business
    1. Hollenbeck Park reservation: reserved
    2. Clackamas Whitewater River Festival:
      1. Time to form teams: all women, male, co-ed…
      2. Online registration closed.  Register at event (at least 1hr before race), bring cash
    3. Lochsa Add as event for year to calendar?
      1. Self-supported
      2. Weekend after Rendezvous
    4. WRRR Generic Business cards: Repo
      1. Business card with basic WRRR contact info
      2. Repo to contact Lance about design
      3. Suggested: Put QR code on card to easily scan to WRRR website or registration page.
    5. Mailer to past members: Joe
      1. Remind lapsed members about the club
      2. Discuss during Feb meeting.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 1/20/2020
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Green River Cleanup teaser: Joe
    3. President – President’s welcome message: Nancy
    4. David: Article about New Years Cedar trip
    5. Mark B: Article about New Years Green trip
    6. Jim J, Brenan, Mark: Article for Lochsa weekend
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn