Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

March 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:02
    1. Present on phone: David Elliot, Nancy Douty, Jason Cohen, Mary Koncikowski, Nate Dickison, Adam Shierenbeck
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Minutes approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 152 (last month 151)
        1. 10 people to expire this month, expect all to renew
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. On a vacation (cruise)
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. nothing
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Bank balance $5854.40, everything paid up except Brenan
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. nothing
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Timeframe earlier the better (last year April) shoot for May (both 1 day and 2 day)
      2. Only 8 people responded, so just set date for a class and contact the people personally. Run second article announcing date.
      3. Cost only about $10 for the cert card and first add supplies. Suggest $20 cost to confirm for class with a $10 refund in WRRR bucks. Can pay by check, cash (to Mary’s address), or PayPal. Nancy and David can tell who paid via PayPal.
      4. Shooting for April timeframe (maybe tight with the waterlog coming out end of March)
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Will setup stuff for CPR class
      2. Setup events for the Green Cleanup (pre-clean and main event)
      3. Still need to setup events for flip practice
      4. How far in advance? If too far, need to remind people. Go ahead and setup for the year and setup a reminder just before the event.
      5. Cannot logon to the WRRR forums, will contact David to get that setup.
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Nothing new on membership, nothing really to do – no new physical letter this year. Could just do an email if we want them back?
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. April Board Meeting info
      2. Plan to try and get Bogart’s but no word from Jimmy. Nancy will call and find out the status.
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Bought speakers for the raffle events
      2. Still looking into hydro-flasks.
      3. Will swap gear at the cleanup and make sure and submit receipts then
  6. Old Business
    1. Tilton Trek roundup
      1. No one present went, so nothing to talk about it
    2. Flip Practice status
      1. No Jimmy
    3. Green River Cleanup status
      1. No Brenan
    4. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. No Brenan
    5. Status for getting donations of prizes
      1. Brenan has what he needs from David
    6. By-law changes
      1. David falling behind
    7. Stickers
      1. No status, try to have them for the next event
    8. Hydro-flasks
      1. Have the artwork we are going to use, just need to contact the company
      2. Going to sell them at cost – need to buy 25 for minimum order. Several sizes and colors. Couple for prizes and sell the rest.
  7. New Business
    1. White Salmon discussion
      1. Nothing new, know the date and need to secure the same camping
    2. Status of safety class planning
      1. See above
    3. Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. Green River Cleanup full article
        2. Wenatchee Rendezvous teaser
        3. Brenan knows to get these both out
      2. Programs Chair
        1. Flip Practice Announcement
        2. Nancy to remind Jimmy
  8. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Mary – do we pay for the room at the Round Table? — No
    2. Consider location for Round Table instead of hanger since it is more centrally located and heated -but may not work well if not ordering food
    3. Conference call is very efficient – next meeting in person
  9. Adjourn @ 7:28