Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

October 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:00  p.m. w/ Brennan, Jason, David, Rebecca, Adam, Nancy
  2. Reviewed and approved September 2016 meeting minutes
  3. Reviewed agenda
  4. 150 members (144 members last month)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. River Watch:
      1. Brenan Filippini: North Fork Road on Skykomish is washed out. Jack’s Pass is also washed out. No access to NF Sky.
      2. Rebecca: Comments have been submitted to Lewis County PUD regarding access on the Cispus River. American Whitewater has also been working with the National Park Service on this issue.
      3. David: The Middle Middle Snoqualmie road is finished and open. The put-in at the concrete bridge is not raft-friendly. David plans to talk with AW about this issue.
    2. Safety and Education – no discussion
    3. Communications:
      1. David Elliott: All club events are set up on the website thru September 2017. David continues to work on improvements to the site. Our goal is for folks to communicate via the WRRR forums;  information will no longer be posted on Yahoo.
    4. Membership – no discussion
    5. Programs/Volunteers – Nancy Douty: no news
    6. WRRR Wear:
      1. Rebecca Post: A lot of shirts were sold at the Tieton. Inventory is plentiful. Also discussed possibility of WRRR Wear for kids. Rebecca will poll Facebook for pre-orders.
  6. Old Business
    1. Tieton roundup: Tieton Rally was great!
    2. Rogue roundup: Rogue trip was amazing. Many articles are to come for the Waterlog. There was lots of carnage. Bears and turtles, too.
    3. Gear Swap and Repair Clinic status: Was on track and ready to go (then cancelled due to heavy rain).
    4. Sauktoberfest status: It’s on! We will have a BBQ after the run.
    5. Ballot
      1. Discussed ballot. Ballot is complete.
      2. Discussed eligibility.
      3. Future needs
        1. Eligibility report (done)
        2. Will develop better instructions for Nominating Committee
      4. Waterlog
        1. 2017 schedule: Schedule is changing (but number of editions and the monthly publish date is not). The issue that comes out the end of December/early January will become the January 2017 issue, instead of December 2016.
        2. Discussed the possibility of an article contest, to encourage article submissions. Or perhaps will offer a prize to anyone whose article is published (apart from a contest)? More discussion to follow.
  7. New Business
    1. Election committee
      1. Jason was appointed as election committee chair
      2. Committee must contact everyone on the ballot to verify assent
      3. Will work with David to get ballot email sent out
    2. David plans to get a member survey out in November
    3. Tilton Trek: Planning on it for Feb 2017.
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 10/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. No articles due.
  9. Announcements and good of the order:
    1. Jason is in charge of cards @ Skagit Poker Run FOREVER
    2. Jim Johnson is assistant to River Ops FOREVER
  10. Adjourn @ 7:45 p.m.