Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:03pm Nancy, Brenan, Repo, Tamie, Randy, Karie
  2. Review minutes and approve: Approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 136 members (152 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan: Have not received feedback from DE&I event
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post: Cyspus run – same day as gear swap and water level low
      1. Tamie – will go up to Sauk to verify if car is gone
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post: Repo to schedule CPR class
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini: mostly on auto-pilot.  started posting 2023 events.  If you have a chance review info.
      1. receiving about 10% response back to roster request.  Need help getting responses and then creating roster. Need to remove contact info for people who do not want info shared and remove membership date info from all.  May look at adding language and checkbox to membership & renewal forms.
      2. Meeting with Bob Sawhill next week or two to discuss updating calendar and events
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: Nothing new
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: No updates
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy – two renewals.  will deposit check tomorrow.
      1. Notice from Secretory of State saying delinquent.  Brenan has picture of check and picture of him posting it to mailbox.  not trusting mail or Olympia to process it in time.  Check has cleared but State has not updated status yet.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post: Tamie has $130.  long sleeve Ts sold best.  may be near bottom of pile for long-sleeves.  Request for anything but pink in 50/50 neon. Tamie to send Nancy size needs.  100% poly and sizes.
  6. Events
    1. Tieton Rally status (9/10/2022): It happened.  Laurie made hashbrowns, Brenan brought a rotten peach and half orange.  May need to either advertise better or delete line about potluck.  Maybe delete line from article and then see if anyone notices.  Wasps bad.  Next year get/make wasp traps.  Maybe something nice to add to ops bin and bring to different events.
    2. Rogue or Lower Salmon status (9/18/2022):  Both Rogue and Lower Salmon on fire.  Brenan will update article/calendar
    3. Gear Swap (10/15/2022) – Burns residence. Afternoon event. Pizza.  Use glue from last year.
    4. Sauktoberfest status (10/22/2022): alive and kicking, Brenan & Kim hosting event, planning on having a shindig probably at house possibly at Rockport.
    5. Misc River Ops: River Ops team is on vacation until elections.
      1. Brenan: Vote to increase Poker Run budget to $1050.  Repo seconds.  all approve.
      2. Randy – Brenan to also pay extra for Wenatchee porta-potties.
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1)
      1. Kevin Como may be intersted
      2. Mark Burns interested
      3. Bob Sawhill – but need to be a member for 8 months.  need to check dates.  may be able to make exception if needed.
        1. Brenan 1st motion to allow anyone join board if member by Gear Swap. – motion tabled
        2. Brenan 2nd motion to approve an exception for Bob to join board without 1 year member.  Repo second.  All approve.
      4. Paul Sestak
  8. New Business
    1. Determine location of October board meeting
      1. Nancy to see if Claim Jumper in Lynnwood has a meeting space we could use for Oct meeting.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. Gear Swap, Election, New Years Float
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Nancy – Tieton River Flow info – WRRR info comes up with google search.  shows 2019.  Karie updated date on article to today.
    2. Brenan – Member intoxicated and out of control.  Note in membership database.  Send written warning recommend treatment.  Firearm, Drunk Driving, Assault
  11. Adjourn 8:16pm