October 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order (7:15 pm 10/10/2023) In attendance Tamie, Randy, Mark, Nancy, Brenan, Erik, Duane, Jarrad, Jay, Repo
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 140 members (139 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Posted pictures of frames to auction. $250 to donate. Zero bids thus far. Article in waterlog.
    1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Posted pictures of frames
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini – Mark, Karie and Jarrad worked on a request for proposal to advertise for a webmaster. Possibly need to do a fundraiser? Budget for new website? How do we move forward? No Club Express!
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Nothing to report.
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – Nothing to report
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – Did not pick up mail. Looking for bill for the Tieton toilets.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – $600 cash, plus 2 $40 Paypal, and a $30 check coming in. Another $100 still with the shirts.
    9. Finance – Brenan:    When the new website or agenda is edited we should add a Finance report each month?
      1. Bank Balance:  $6,867.91, Paypal Balance asset $532.57, Cash in B’s office safe $1,198, Checks to cash in B’s hand $30.00, Checks to cash in Mailbox ?  Don Martin?
        1. Total assets $8,628.42.
        2. There may be some small Credit card charges.
        3.  (We owe for Tieton toilets probably $500-550).
        4. Except for any T-shirt or website work, I don’t expect too much more debits thru 2023’s end.  Estimate end of year balance at $7-8k +/-
      2. Did an audit on the books.   Things seem good but several cells in the discrepancy column are incorrect, usually backwards.  We haven’t utilized this for the past couple years and suggest the next treasurer updates as they see fit.
      3. Onedrive finance tab, I Left notes for “new members” that signed up and did not pay are left in the spreadsheet (on the member income tab.
    10. River Ops – Bob Johnson Memorial Wenatchee run (6/1/2024). 3 Toilets – we have a credit for one toilet. Randy stated that Leavenworth would provide 2 toilets at the put-in, so WRRR will not have to pay for a toilet there.
  6. Events
    1. Tieton Rally (9/16/2023) Potluck was successful! Jarrad got banners made up for the potluck. Jay suggested that we have a membership table set up for people to join at the potluck. Members supplied generators for the bands. Had say in when the bands quit playing. Successful weekend!
    2. Motion made for new banner – “WRRR Potluck” with time/dates blank so we can change dates. Budget of $200. Approved.
    3. Rogue roundup (9/17/2023) Trip was great, total 9 people 6 days.  Brenan hiked most the trail but couldn’t complete it haha!
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023) Facebook posts for the gear swap. Pizza will be provided. At Burn’s house from 11:00am – 5:00pm
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023) – Still on. Pray for Rain.
    6. Misc River Ops – Repo was contacted by Greg regarding the Nisqually River Cleanup. Proposed April 6, 2024.
    7. Dates for the White Salmon? Brenan to contact for camping.
  7. Old Business
    1. Ballot should have been submitted by October 1. No new volunteers! VP’s stay as is. Directors at Large – need 2 more!
  8. New Business
    1. Appoint Elections Committee (any current member not running for office)
    2. New Website
      1. How to handle member database and renewals?
      2. Good timing! 🙂
    3. OK to move board meetings to Tuesdays?  Brenan has upcoming conflicts on Wednesday and Friday Evenings.   Thanks to all that have offered to change dates. November 14th in person meeting. Claim Jumpers for 10-15 people.
    4. 2024 dates are in calendar.   White Salmon and Nisqually are pending awaiting dates and info.
    5. Green River Cleanup meeting at Mark Burns house 11/9/2023 @ 7:00pm. Something special for the 40th annual cleanup. Saturday May 4, 2023 40th Annual Cleanup. T-shirt sales?
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 10/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
    2. New Years Hangover Float
    3. January Membership meeting announcement
    4. Tilton Trek teaser
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn