Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order. (8/9/2023)  Nancy, Repo, Brenan, Randy, Jarrad, Tamie & Mark
  2. Review minutes and approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
    2. B will bring Safety Cards to the Poker run.
    3. Tamie has access to the website.
  3. Review agenda
  4. 149 members (135 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Repo to auction off rafting gear and donate proceeds to DEI.
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Middle Fork of Salmon blow out with log jam above Velvet Falls. Main Salmon closed due to slides on road and major fires.
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini – Facebook posts up to date. “New join” button for WRRR not working. People have been using the renew button to join. Not ideal, but it works. Port-a- potties still at the Wenatchee put in! Randy has emailed the company to pick them up several times.
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Tamie will print membership forms for the Poker Run.
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – Repo to ask at membership meeting at the Poker Run about adding skills practice to poker stations.
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – Nancy got mail, 1 new member registration.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – Nancy has new t-shirts and sun blocker hoodies! Will bring to the Poker Run. Repo found someone to make hats!  Jarrad has the logo needed for hats! Will send to Repo. Order 2 dz to start with.
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run status (8/26/2023)
      1. Brenan to check if we have enough playing cards and also poker hands?
      2. Poker Stations: 1-Kim & Brenan; 2 – Nancy & Randy; 3 – Lyles & Stacy, 4 – Repo; 5 – Duane & Shannon
      3. No charging for camping.
      4. General membership meeting.
      5. Poker station launch 9-9:30
      6. No reserving camps.
      7. Erik was purchasing prizes, Nancy to confirm with him.
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/16/2023) Mark has 6:00pm potluck on 9/16: Signs 24 x 16? Port-a-potties have been reserved
    3. Rogue status (9/26/2023)
      1. 12-16 people signed up for the Rogue
    4. Gear Swap planning (10/14/2023) – Mark has volunteered to host at his place.
    5. Sauktoberfest planning (10/21/2023)
      1. Brenan’s house in Arlington
    6. Misc River Ops –
      1. Green River Cleanup meeting 11/8/2023 @ 6:00pm. Combine the GR cleanup meeting and the membership meeting for November?
  7. Old Business
    1. None
  8. New Business
    1. Welcome Jarrad Krueger!
    2. New Waterlog is under way! Jarrad will send 1st addition to Board members when ready. Articles/photos due by the 20th of the month.
    3. Brenan to contact Rochelle.
    4. Ordered port-a-potties to be at Tieton before Labor Day weekend.
    5. VP Finance – provide printed copies of Event report (Benefactors/Sustaining/Members) to Poker Station 1
    6. Appoint Nominating Committee (any current club member)
      1. Repo, Brenan and Mark appointed for Nominating Committee.
      2. Ballot needed by October board meeting.
      3. Go over elections procedures.
      4. Provide list of eligible candidates
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 8/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
    2. Programs – Gear Swap and Repair Clinic article
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. 2024 Poker Run dates 7/29 – 8/5
  11. Adjourn