Tag Archive for: Board Meetings

Feb 2025 Board meeting minutes

FEB 2025 board meeting minutes


Board Members Present:  Mark, Candice, Brenan, Nancy, Duane, Randy Erling

Members Present:  Jarrad K (Waterlog and Communications)



Meeting called to order

Establish Quorum



Previous months action items

-Tamie is resigning from the board for personal reasons.  Repo will take on VP Business.

-Lance won’t be able to attend meeting minutes due to a conflict on 2nd Tuesday of the month.

-Brenan can’t make Wed

-Setup 1st Tuesday of the month as a primary.  Mark will check with Lance

-Setup 3rd Tuesday of the month as a backup.


Standing Committee Reports:

DEI:  Candice, added some events and information on the WRRR calendar.   MB:  Candice, can you use the calendar efficiently?  Candice:  Yes.  Diversify Whitewater event.  Jim Good and Ayla are the leads from DW

River watch:  Rivers are frozen.   Dry and cold

Safety and Education:   Repo, Not present

Communications:  Jarrad,   JK:  Events are on the waterlog for this year.   Events are on the calendar.  Mark has concerns about Android does not display the WRRR calendar in all cases.  Candice has to change the view from list to date.  This is in the upper right corner.

-Duane notes that the board meeting is not on the calendar.

-Mark will check into posting it.  Looks like we can update the calendar to “List view”.   Brenan notes that the list view is on the home page.   Jarrad will see what the settings are.  Jarrad was able to update the calendar to list mode.

-General discussion on how board members can log into the website.

-Custom payment option is not working yet



-Database.  We need to get the website to organize via date and payment amount.  Jarrad is in contact with Mick.

-Duane has a cash renewal. Brenan and Duane will meet up to get him added to be a signer on the bank account.


Programs and Volunteers:   Repo not present.  Nothing else to report.

-Mail pickup:  Nancy states there is no mail.


Upcoming Events:

-Tilton Trek:  Cancelled due to low weather.  No backup rivers are found due to low flows.  Cispus is currently 400cfs.

-Nisqually, April 5th, 2025.   Is repo doing the BBQ?

-Green river cleanup.   May 3rd, 2025.   Brenan will work on updating the GRCU.org website.  Everyone will reach out to their contacts.   Candice is reaching out to Be-wet, Green river coalition.

-Cispus River Celebration May 18, 2025. Candice may take the lead on this event

-Wenatchee Rendezvous.  May 31, 2025.

-Should we consider getting a singer again?  Some discussion.  $100 is ok for the budget?   Consensus is that we should get the old acoustic WRRR band back together for evening festivities

-Payment for the facilites to the gun club will be cash at the event.  Can use the proceeds of the raffle tickets.  Mark will pay them Sunday.   See below.




-Brenan and Duane will work on a budget for the March meeting approval.

-Mark mentions that Dryden gun club will need payment.   OK to pay with cash after the event.  Yes



-Prizes for the Wenatchee and poker run.

-Discussion now and more to come

-We will put historical data for prizes

-Discussion about needing to increase dues.  We will look at the budget next month.  We need to fix the membership website so it tracks dates and we can push out a message to membership



-Is it getting out?  It is getting sent out.  143 active subscribers going out from Mail Chimp each month.   A few emails have bounced back.   A few updates are happening and most are database related.

-Discussion about sending the waterlog out with an alias.   Jarrad is working on this issue.

-Discuss possibly subscribing $10 per month to get more emails and eliminate the work around. The free version is a little clunky.

-Candice is sending out weekly lists and blogs.  This is maxing out the free version.  The email list has been well received, esp by non facebook people.

-Email discussions about 1 account vs 3 accounts.  OK to use the same log in?  Brenan maybe wrote this up wrong?

-Currently the email list is manually updated


Action items:

-Jarrad in contact with Mick about website.  (membership payments and dates, custom payment button for shirts, etc)

-Discuss dues

-Waterlog articles needed.

-More discussion to add $120 or more to the 2025 budget for Mailchimp.

-Brenan will update greenrivercleanup.org

-Brenan and Duane to add recent cash renewal (and paypals) to the waterlog distribution list.



Around the table

-Randy Erling asked about the Tieton’s Dead owl society.  It’s a bunch of Tieton floaters.   This float has been added to the calendar.   Started with some old Tieton camping with the message “pack it in Pack it out”.

-Candice mentions the weekly emails.




September 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 139 members (149 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run roundup (8/12/2023)
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/9/2023)
    3. Rogue status (9/17/2023)
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023)
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023)
    6. Misc River Ops
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1)
  8. New Business
    1. Determine location of October board meeting
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
    2. None
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn

September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order  (7:06 pm 9/13/2023) In attendance Repo, Randy, Duane, Nancy, Mark, Jarrad
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
    1. Repo to add Web Master to Old Business
  4. 139 members (149 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca still hasn’t posted photos of raft frame for auction. Will do the end of September.  The other frame received a $250 donation for DEI.
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini not present.  Mark mentioned that he posts to the FaceBook(FB) page prior to upcoming events.  Randy wants to have this blurb emailed out to non-FB users.  No one on the call knows how to send a membership wide email.  Mark to check with Karie.  once its figured out Mark should send his blurb to the Comms Committee and they should send it out.
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Not present, no report.  She needs to bring membership forms to the Tieton
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – not present, no report
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – three items in the mailbox and she will bring to Tieton to hand over to appropriate folks – membership renewal, AW Journal
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post- we took in about $700 in WRRR wear sales at the Poker Run
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run roundup (8/26/2023) Brenan not present so not report on number of poker hands sold.  Two stations were moved and that seems like a good idea.
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/9/2023) – Potluck 6pm.  Mark posted on FB that potluck is at 6 pm.  He also mentioned that outfitters and a few WRRR members are supporting a live music party Sat.  The issue of late night noise has been addressed and hopefully will not be an issue.  The new signs look great.  Repo to bring over five WRRR stickers for the toilets.
    3. Rogue status (9/26/2023) Brenan not present so no report.  The trip is launching 9/26 and people have signed up.
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023) Mark reports everything is a go.  Mark and Jarrad will communicate about glue and solvents.
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023) Brenan not present, no report.  Trip should be a go
    6. Misc River Ops – Randy brought up the toilets at the Leavenworth put in.  He contacted Leavenworth Rec Department and they told him that the city supplies the toilet there.  He wants to know why they cannot supply two toilets.  Repo thinks toilets are a great thing for WRRR to support.  Randy is thinking about saving money because next year we will have toilets and the Dryden facility to rent.  He will check with Leavenworth Rec Dept to see if they can get two toilets at the put in.
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1) – Repo – There has been zero interest in anyone volunteering or showing a willingness to help out on the board.  ZERO.  That’s a bit frustrating
    2. Webmaster – Repo relayed the problems with publishing the newsletter and her request to David for assistance.  He very promptly helped out but added to his message that he has retired form Webmaster duties, he will be retiring from his job soon and will soon no longer be able to help out with the  website.  The board needs to replace him.  The board discussed the state of the current website and the number of bad links and old photos.  Repo mentioned WKC and Paddle Trails use Club Express but no without problems.  Jarred stated that pushing out a newsletter to 150 people, updating a calendar and updating committee members should be simple.  Jarred has worked with several people who know Word Press. Repo suggested that we just hire someone to develop a new website from scratch.  Mark made the motion to hire a person to develop a new website structure.  Nancy Seconded.  Motion passed.  Jarred will look into the availability of his contact.
  8. New Business
    1. October board meeting will be by phone since Randy and Repo will be on the road.  November meeting will be in person.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles.  Jarred wants to start a New Member Spotlight.   Repo suggested that the VP Finance send Jarrad an email with new member names and email address.  Jarred can then contact the new members to get info for an article.
  10. Announcements and good of the order – none
  11. Adjourn 8:14 pm