Tag Archive for: Meetings

Monthly Board Meeting

July 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month except for December, at 7:00PM. The January meeting is held in person. All other meetings will be held by conference call.

If a meeting is to held in person, the location will be listed in the
WRRR calendar for that particular meeting.

The conference call number for the meetings is 716-427-1588 and the access code is 364312

Nisqually Cleanup and rowers progression @ McKenna Boat Ramp

Rowers progression and clean up! The 4th “now annual” Nisqually River is a fun run with a long season. WRRR and other paddling groups will help clean up the Nisqually.  We will do a rower’s progression during the event with the goal of “stopping anywhere” and superior boat control. The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 6th to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what has become an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Jackson Kayak, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Info and Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nisqually-river-cleanup-2023-registration-449837133977   Link info pasted: The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 1, 2023 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what we hope will be an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). By undertaking this Event, we hope to (a) heighten awareness and appreciation of the Nisqually River; (b) celebrate the river’s unique attributes; (c) foster stewardship of the river; and (d) promote the Nisqually River Water Trail Plan and Recommendations. To learn more about the Nisqually River Water Trail click here.

Where Will the Cleanup Be Held? We will be primarily cleaning up two sections of the Nisqually River: 1) McKenna Park to Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant) – Class II-III – 9 miles; and 2) Nisqually Park to the 6th Avenue S.E. WDFW Water Access Site – Class I-II – 8 miles. There may be wood or other hazards on both sections of the river. You can view a map of each section of the Nisqually River prepared by the Nisqually River Council by clicking here:  Map 1  Map 2

What Volunteers are Needed and What Must I do to Join this Event? We need volunteers to boat the river and to help on land at our water access sites. All volunteers must register here, check-in on the day of the Event, and agree to a Waiver and Release of Liability to participate in this Event.  This includes boaters who have signed up for a trip being sponsored by WKC, WRRR, PTCC, or another club or organization in conjunction with this Event and those helping out on land. Minors are welcome, provided their parent or guardian sign their Waiver and Release of Liability and they are accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult. To ensure that is the case, we ask that the adult register first, create a team, and then invite the minors whom the adult will be supervising to register as part of his or her team. You can view the waiver forms by clicking here:  Adult Waiver; Minor Waiver. If more than one volunteer will be in a raft or other watercraft, they should register as a team (the first volunteer to register will create the team and invite the other volunteers to register as a member of the team).

Safety First! We will take a moment to talk about safety before volunteers launch their watercraft or collect, haul, or sort garbage and recyclables.  No volunteer should consume alcohol or drugs before or during this Event.  Volunteers who wish to consume alcohol after this Event should only do so where it is legally permitted.

No volunteer may participate in this Event under the influence of alcohol or drugs. During this Event, volunteers must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. To view a copy of our Safety and Risk Management Plan click here. To view our Volunteer Safety and Trash Collection Guidelines, click here.

COVID-19 We will be following all Center for Disease Control (CDC), Washington State, and Thurston County COVID-19 requirements governing outdoor, recreational events, including those pertaining to masks and social distancing. We strongly recommend that on the morning of the Nisqually River Cleanup, before arriving for this Event, each registrant use the CDC’s Isolation and Exposure Calculator. This is a tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19.

Please stay home if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms or have recently tested positive or been exposed to someone who has. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should plan on making your own shuttle arrangements in advance prior to arriving at this Event.

What are the Other Requirements to Boat the River? Volunteers who wish to boat the river must: (a) check in with designated trip leaders before launching and after reaching the take-out; (b) have the requisite skills to safely boat the river; (c) be properly clothed for cold water immersion and be prepared to get wet, flip over, or go into the water; (d) wear a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket and, for those  kayakers boating Class II and III sections of the river, a paddling helmet; (e) bring their own suitable watercraft with appropriate flotation; (f) boat as a group and not alone; and (g) follow all safety instructions from trip leader, safety, and sweep boaters. Boaters should choose the section of the river they want to clean up when registering, taking into account their skill level and the difficulty and hazards they are likely to encounter. Those boaters who are participating in this Event as members of WRRR, WKC or PTCC or another club or organization should follow the instructions of their Trip Leaders as to where and when to meet. Other boaters should plan to meet at the takeout for the section of the river they plan to boat, where we will organize shuttles to the launch site. Please arrive early enough so that you can check in, sign any necessary waivers, gear up, and be ready to shuttle by 10:00 A.M. Remember to bring water, lunch and other food to get you through the day.

We Also Need Volunteers to Help on Land at Each Water Access Site To make this Event a success, we need volunteers to help on land. Volunteers are needed at McKenna Park and Nisqually Park . We’ll need help with event setup, registration and check-in, hauling items we collect from boats to drop boxes at each of the take outs, sorting recyclables from garbage, photography and event cleanup. We will contact you the week prior to this Event and tell you where to meet and when. All volunteers who plan to help at our water access sites should wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy shoes and bring rain gear and work gloves. We also suggest that you bring water, lunch and whatever other food you need to get through the day.

After Event Celebration and BBQ We hope to host a BBQ at McKenna Park starting at 3:30 for those volunteers who register in advance and indicate when they register that they plan to attend the BBQ. If the CDC COVID-19 Community Level in Thurston County is Moderate or High, we may cancel the BBQ but will notify registrants by email should this occur.

Advance Registration is Helpful and Encouraged. We ask that you register in advance where possible. This will ensure that we have sufficient personnel and resources to make this Event a success. Online registration will close on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Volunteers who are unable to register in advance may register on the day of this Event between 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. at McKenna and Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant)..


What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from this Event? All volunteers are encouraged to carpool to the Nisqually River Cleanup. Free parking is available at both McKenna Park and Nisqually Park. A Discover Pass or WDFW Vehicle Access Pass is required to park your vehicle at the 6th Avenue SE Water Access Site. We will organize shuttles for those boating the river who are fully vaccinated and wearing masks. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should make your own shuttle arrangements in advance, before arriving at this Event.

How do I find directions to the water access sites that we’ll be using for this Event? We will email you directions to each of the sites.

Can I update or cancel my registration? You can update or cancel your registration online until registration closes on March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. You can also update your registration in person on the day of this Event at McKenna and Nisqually Park between 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. If you want to cancel your registration after registration closes, please email us at NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com. We ask all those who register to cancel their registration if they will not be joining us.

Can I get a ride on someone else’s raft or watercraft?   No, unless you have made such arrangements in advance with another volunteer or through one of the Clubs or other organizations participating in the Event and have registered as part of a team.

What if it rains or the water level is too high or low on the day of the Event? We plan to proceed with the cleanup regardless of rain, as long as the river is not flooding or too low and is safely navigable. We will notify those who register in advance by email if we find it necessary to cancel this Event because of safety or other concerns. We will also post signs at McKenna and Nisqually Parks should this Event be cancelled.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions? If you have questions, please email NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com

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About the organizer

Organized by

Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners & Paddle Trail Canoe Club


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Monthly Board Meeting

Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month except for December, at 7:00PM. The January meeting is held in person. All other meetings will be held by conference call.

If a meeting is to held in person, the location will be listed in the
WRRR calendar for that particular meeting.

The conference call number for the meetings is 716-427-1588 and the access code is 364312

2024, 1st Quarter Membership Meeting @ Claim Jumper (Tukwila)

Jan 18 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The first General Membership meeting is happening on Thursday, January 18th, 2023 at the Claim Jumper’s restaurant just south of South Center mall at 5901 S. 180th Street, Tukwila. We will be meeting in the patio area from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. The club provides appetizers for all, so come join us, if you can.

In previous years we provided information on how and when to apply for permits for your favorite ( or new ) extended river trips.   These days, it is all on the computer, and we can tell you where to find that info.   If you are looking for folks to join you on your extended trip, this is a good place to start.

There is plenty of room for everyone, so we encourage you to come…the more you participate, the more you learn and the more fun you’ll have!  Plan to eat lots of delicious food, make paddling plans and/or dreams, and there’s always the usual swapping of river stories. Who knows what you may learn?!

Green River Cleanup Committee Meeting

Nov 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

1st meeting for the 40th annual Green River Cleanup.

Come on out and sign up to help out on the committee.   We need your help.  This will be the 1st meeting of many.

Meeting location to be announced

April 1st, 2023 – 3rd Nisqually Cleanup and Rowers Progression @ McKenna Boat Ramp

Rowers progression and clean up!

The 4th “now annual” Nisqually River is a fun run with a long season. WRRR and other paddling groups will help clean up the Nisqually.  We will do a rower’s progression during the event with the goal of “stopping anywhere” and superior boat control.

The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 6, 2023 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what has become an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Jackson Kayak, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

Limited camping is available for WRRR members at Miller/Sylvania State park.  Contact Rebecca Post for more details.  There may not be room for non wrrr members.   If we can accomodate you we ask for $10 per person per night

Info and Sign up here:



Link info pasted:

The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 1, 2023 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what we hope will be an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

By undertaking this Event, we hope to (a) heighten awareness and appreciation of the Nisqually River; (b) celebrate the river’s unique attributes; (c) foster stewardship of the river; and (d) promote the Nisqually River Water Trail Plan and Recommendations. To learn more about the Nisqually River Water Trail click here.

Where Will the Cleanup Be Held?

We will be primarily cleaning up two sections of the Nisqually River: 1) McKenna Park to Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant) – Class II-III – 9 miles; and 2) Nisqually Park to the 6th Avenue S.E. WDFW Water Access Site – Class I-II – 8 miles. There may be wood or other hazards on both sections of the river.

You can view a map of each section of the Nisqually River prepared by the Nisqually River Council by clicking here:  Map 1  Map 2

What Volunteers are Needed and What Must I do to Join this Event?

We need volunteers to boat the river and to help on land at our water access sites.

All volunteers must register here, check-in on the day of the Event, and agree to a Waiver and Release of Liability to participate in this Event.  This includes boaters who have signed up for a trip being sponsored by WKC, WRRR, PTCC, or another club or organization in conjunction with this Event and those helping out on land.

Minors are welcome, provided their parent or guardian sign their Waiver and Release of Liability and they are accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult. To ensure that is the case, we ask that the adult register first, create a team, and then invite the minors whom the adult will be supervising to register as part of his or her team. You can view the waiver forms by clicking here:  Adult Waiver; Minor Waiver.

If more than one volunteer will be in a raft or other watercraft, they should register as a team (the first volunteer to register will create the team and invite the other volunteers to register as a member of the team).

Safety First!

We will take a moment to talk about safety before volunteers launch their watercraft or collect, haul, or sort garbage and recyclables.  No volunteer should consume alcohol or drugs before or during this Event.  Volunteers who wish to consume alcohol after this Event should only do so where it is legally permitted. No volunteer may participate in this Event under the influence of alcohol or drugs. During this Event, volunteers must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. To view a copy of our Safety and Risk Management Plan click here. To view our Volunteer Safety and Trash Collection Guidelines, click here.


We will be following all Center for Disease Control (CDC), Washington State, and Thurston County COVID-19 requirements governing outdoor, recreational events, including those pertaining to masks and social distancing. We strongly recommend that on the morning of the Nisqually River Cleanup, before arriving for this Event, each registrant use the CDC’s Isolation and Exposure Calculator. This is a tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19. Please stay home if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms or have recently tested positive or been exposed to someone who has.

If you are not fully vaccinated, you should plan on making your own shuttle arrangements in advance prior to arriving at this Event.

What are the Other Requirements to Boat the River?

Volunteers who wish to boat the river must:

(a) check in with designated trip leaders before launching and after reaching the take-out;

(b) have the requisite skills to safely boat the river;

(c) be properly clothed for cold water immersion and be prepared to get wet, flip over, or go into the water;

(d) wear a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket and, for those  kayakers boating Class II and III sections of the river, a paddling helmet;

(e) bring their own suitable watercraft with appropriate flotation;

(f) boat as a group and not alone; and

(g) follow all safety instructions from trip leader, safety, and sweep boaters.

Boaters should choose the section of the river they want to clean up when registering, taking into account their skill level and the difficulty and hazards they are likely to encounter. Those boaters who are participating in this Event as members of WRRR, WKC or PTCC or another club or organization should follow the instructions of their Trip Leaders as to where and when to meet. Other boaters should plan to meet at the takeout for the section of the river they plan to boat, where we will organize shuttles to the launch site. Please arrive early enough so that you can check in, sign any necessary waivers, gear up, and be ready to shuttle by 10:00 A.M. Remember to bring water, lunch and other food to get you through the day.

We Also Need Volunteers to Help on Land at Each Water Access Site

To make this Event a success, we need volunteers to help on land. Volunteers are needed at McKenna Park and Nisqually Park .

We’ll need help with event setup, registration and check-in, hauling items we collect from boats to drop boxes at each of the take outs, sorting recyclables from garbage, photography and event cleanup. We will contact you the week prior to this Event and tell you where to meet and when.

All volunteers who plan to help at our water access sites should wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy shoes and bring rain gear and work gloves. We also suggest that you bring water, lunch and whatever other food you need to get through the day.

After Event Celebration and BBQ

We hope to host a BBQ at McKenna Park starting at 3:30 for those volunteers who register in advance and indicate when they register that they plan to attend the BBQ. If the CDC COVID-19 Community Level in Thurston County is Moderate or High, we may cancel the BBQ but will notify registrants by email should this occur.

Advance Registration is Helpful and Encouraged.

We ask that you register in advance where possible. This will ensure that we have sufficient personnel and resources to make this Event a success.

Online registration will close on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Volunteers who are unable to register in advance may register on the day of this Event between 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. at McKenna and Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant)..


What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from this Event?

All volunteers are encouraged to carpool to the Nisqually River Cleanup. Free parking is available at both McKenna Park and Nisqually Park. A Discover Pass or WDFW Vehicle Access Pass is required to park your vehicle at the 6th Avenue SE Water Access Site. We will organize shuttles for those boating the river who are fully vaccinated and wearing masks. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should make your own shuttle arrangements in advance, before arriving at this Event.

How do I find directions to the water access sites that we’ll be using for this Event?

We will email you directions to each of the sites.

Can I update or cancel my registration?

You can update or cancel your registration online until registration closes on March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. You can also update your registration in person on the day of this Event at McKenna and Nisqually Park between 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. If you want to cancel your registration after registration closes, please email us at NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com. We ask all those who register to cancel their registration if they will not be joining us.

Can I get a ride on someone else’s raft or watercraft?  

No, unless you have made such arrangements in advance with another volunteer or through one of the Clubs or other organizations participating in the Event and have registered as part of a team.

What if it rains or the water level is too high or low on the day of the Event?

We plan to proceed with the cleanup regardless of rain, as long as the river is not flooding or too low and is safely navigable. We will notify those who register in advance by email if we find it necessary to cancel this Event because of safety or other concerns. We will also post signs at McKenna and Nisqually Parks should this Event be cancelled.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

If you have questions, please email NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com

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About the organizer

Organized by

Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners & Paddle Trail Canoe Club


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                                                    Click a Logo to Access Their Website

              With the help and support of the following organizations and numerous other partners.