Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

April 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:05
    1. Board Present – David, Rebecca, Jason, Brenan
    2. Directors – Nancy, Mary, Adam, Chris
    3. Members – Jimmy, Mark, Matt, Jay
  2. Review minutes and approve – done
  3. Review agenda – done
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 135 (last month 139), pretty stable and average (between 110-150)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. Need help, free beer. Every trip we need trip leaders
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. Nothing
    4. VP Finance – Rebecca Post
      1. As of yesterday $6780.14 in the bank plus misc. deposits and some in PayPal.
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt – not present
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
      1. Middle middle is still closed, David ran it from A-frame down
      2. Supposed to be some new access at the Nooksack
      3. Updated Bachman put in, want to shoot video of us there
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – nothing (besides safety class)
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck – just a few updates to the site
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski – she can move her arm
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Nancy Douty – nothing
    7. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post
      1. Are we supposed to still call Hydro-Flask? Yes, we want to see if we can still get a deal, but not too much work.
      2. Still need waterproof stickers, have 3 large and 8 small. Looking for something smaller (Vista-print) for about a $1
  6. Old Business
    1. Flip practice status
      1. Good to go on the embankment till about 3:00
      2. Don’t need any more food than last year, just a box of burgers and sausage + buns and fixings. (Mary wants left overs for Green – like condiments and cheese and stuff that will keep)
    2. Safety class status
      1. We have 8 signed up. Cost is $150 (WRRR is covering the other $100)
      2. It will be on the Cedar, we can camp at Nancy.
    3. Green River Cleanup status
      1. Everything is dialed in. Trying to find out what domains need to be updated. Brian can do which has online registration
      2. Year 3 only had 6 partiscipants, not boats went down. 117 cfs is all that is needed to do head works in IK. Need at least 700-800 cfs to do the gorge in anything. From gorge down is fine at any level.
      3. BBQ is still going on the same way (maybe plan on less food)
      4. All the times are the same (registration at 9:00 both park and head works), lots of work for ground crews.
      5. Brenan bets a $1 that flow will be over 800.
    4. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. Everything good (prizes) except for camping. Not sure why the campground is closed, looks fine.
        1. Plan A is do dispersed camping on Chumstick highway or across the street from Tumwater
          1. Do we want to do put luck at takeout? Logisticaly would be hard.
        2. Consider change of venue
      2. General membership meeting agenda
        1. No real pressing reason to get the bylaws updated
    5. Sauk Overnighter status
      1. May have to move downstream
    6. White Salmon status
      1. Worried about no water, encourage paddle boats and IKs over big oar boats.
  7. New Business
    1. Poker Run discussion
      1. Should be water
      2. Jason still in charge of cards, David can help print if necessary.
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 4/20
    1. Wenatchee Rendezvous full article
    2. Sauk Overnighter teaser
    3. White Salmon teaser
    4. Update on safety class – Rebecca
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Raft games (2nd weekend in June)- will have booth there (Matt manning it) with some sort of games and signing for WRRR. Z-drag pull contest. Sell t-shirts. Have IKs setup for display. Need volunteer to write up an article about the games for the waterlog. Jay might be willing to write an article, Adam can also write up the facts if Matt can get him the details. Not a lot of events like this for inflatables.
    2. Green river cleanup is 30th annual – disappointing there won’t be water this year. Jay is backing down and we need a volunteer to continue relationship with Army Core. There is a conference call from January – May every other week at 1-2 in the afternoon on Tuesdays. There is one in a little less than 2 weeks. Brenan is in, but could use a few more people so we can keep it covered. Need to get Wayne Wagner demoted since he is the only one that every help us have flow on the weekends.
    3. Rowers progression is going really well.
  10. Adjourn @ 7:55
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

March 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order – 7:00PM
    1. Officers: David, Brenan, Rebecca
    2. Directors: Mary, Jared, Matt, Nancy
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 139 (last month 128)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
    4. VP Finance – Rebecca Post
      1. $6524.82+
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
      1. Rebecca went to DOT meeting
        1. Access bill stopped (Yakima problem)
        2. Bill to require access at new bridges
      2. Tilton – Letter to land owner
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post
      1. River Rescue Certification (RRC) – Cedar River May 30/31
        1. Todd – Wet Planet
        2. Consider lottery if more than 15 people
      2. Tilton safety people worked out
      3. Nancy went to wrong run at Tilton
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Mary broke her shoulder
      2. Bob Margulis wants to help with membership
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Nancy Douty
      1. Next month – Claim Jumper
    7. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post
      1. Reorganized shirts
      2. Consider Hydro-Flask
  6. Old Business
    1. Tilton Trek roundup
      1. Went well
      2. For 2016 – consider club reserving 2 cabins and 2 sites
    2. Safety class status
    3. Green River Cleanup status
      1. Need more volunteers for sign-ups
      2. Mary doing BBQ, Adam offered to help, find others
      3. Camping at Shangri-La (WRRR members) and KP
      4. Picnic Shelter 3
      5. Get hold of Jay Cohen (Nancy)
      6. Rides for guests
        1. Outfitter
        2. Ask for rides on Facebook
    4. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. Camping
        1. Mike Curtis
        2. Chumstick Highway
    5. Wenatchee River Festival – safety contest
      1. Article – Mike Curtis
      2. Add event to calendar
  7. New Business
    1. Flip practice planning
      1. Jim handling it
    2. Sauk Overnighter discussion
      1. Improve sign ups for group gear
      2. Food
      3. Camping at Bedal
    3. White Salmon discussion
      1. Camping is handled
      2. Randy and Nancy are trip leaders
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 3/20
    1. Green River Cleanup full article
    2. Wenatchee Rendezvous teaser
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Rower’s Progression – 2 rafts, 8 IKs
      1. Trying to improve notification
    2. Sunday Skykomish
  10. Adjourn – 8:15
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

February 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Conference call meeting

  1. Call to order @ 7:01
    1. Officers: David, Brenan, Rebecca, Jason
    2. Directors: Jared, Matt, Chris, Adam (7:15), Nancy (7:28)
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 136 (last month 132)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. Tilton is this weekend
      2. Flip Practice is on the website
      3. Pre-clean last weekend of April
      4. Green River Cleanup
        1. Matt Holmes and Mark Burns volunteered at the general membership meeting
        2. Would like more volunteers so they can break the registration into groups, 9-10 and 10-11.
        3. Need volunteers for mercury and nozzle. Tried radios last year, but too noisy. Thinking do red and green towels.
        4. Need volunteers to help Mary at BBQ around 2:30.
        5. Shangri-La reserved for WRRR members, Kanaskat Palmer for non-WRRR members.
        6. Chris can reach out to paddle trails, Brian to professional paddlers
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. Nothing to report
    4. VP Finance
      1. Over 6k in bank account, no balance on credit card, move $86 over from PayPal
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. Not present
    2. River Watch
      1. Access sucks on the middle-middle, several mile walk in to nearest put in from road closure. We could potentially get access, road close mostly to keep the vandals out.
    3. Safety and Education
      1. No idea what to do yet. Brenan will meet up with Rebecca at Tilton and go over ideas.
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Not present
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Not present
    6. Programs/Volunteers
      1. Not present
    7. WRRR Wear
      1. Brenan has the WRRR wear and will bring it to the Tilton
      2. Have a few flasks left. Should push them. OWA does pre-orders and doesn’t order them till they get enough.
      3. Talked about putting merch on the website. We would have to charge sales tax if we do that.
      4. Talked about having a website manage the merch where they have your logo and make the stuff when it is ordered. Joe S. had a company in mind, Rebecca will follow up next time they get together. was the site.
  6. Old Business
    1. Tilton Trek Status
      1. Bunch of us will be there Friday. Log jam is gone, plan to run the gorge Friday/Saturday. Not much going on Sunday, maybe run the upper section.
      2. Need to do a little better getting the group together.
      3. Partly cloudy with 10% chance of rain both days, should be running about 1000 (slightly better than 900 it was a few years ago when some rafts and cats made it down).
  7. New Business
    1. Creating new annual events
      1. When thinking of new annual events, lets try them out first but not make them official until we see that they work out. That is how the White Salmon came to be, did it unofficially for the first 3 years.
    2. Flip practice discussion
      1. Jim was going to be here to talk about it. Jim was talking about moving the date, but might have been confused about when it was supposed to be. Thought it was the Sunday before the Clean-up. Should be the 3rd Sunday in April. Last year, what happened was that was the same day as Easter so we moved it. Should be about the same as last year.
    3. IK progression discussion
      1. Rowers progression, new IK (class 2/3), and step-up program, moving up to class 3+/4 like Tilton, Green, Cooper. Make sure we do safety talk. Practice whistle and eddy out and swimmer.
      2. Should be about 4 or 5 weekends starting in May.
        1. Snoqualmie?
        2. Green (head works to Kanaskat)
        3. Sauk
        4. Sky (split rock to big eddy)
        5. Green (Shangri-La to Flaming Geyser)
      3. Nisqually is also a good run to do.
    4. Prize donations
      1. Need to delegate working on prize donations. David can help out with some. Always try to send out letters. Watershed said it was too late, want to know in October timeframe. Even if they can’t give us something, can they sell it for cheap. Maybe we can have a list and email template and can assign them out to different people to follow up.
    5. Safety class planning
      1. Like the timing of two years ago when we did it in April. Will run into the same class size limitation unless we want to go with Casey again. Rebecca just did a 3 day class with Sierra Rescue in December and can’t say enough good stuff about them. Very professional and knew their stuff. Class size would be about 10-12 people.
      2. Could poll people, but they will tell you one thing but not commit. Better to just put something together and tell people.
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
    1. Green River Cleanup teaser
      1. Already went out in January.
    2. Don’t need anything, but
      1. Brenan will get something about rowers progression.
      2. Rebecca will try to get safety article.
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Can Rebecca retroactively request scholarship money for class in December? David makes a motion to allow, motion approved.
    2. Rebecca: has anyone done any work on tax exempt status? Brenan and Nancy: yes, was huge pain. Last time we applied we were denied, but likely due to delays in mail. If we apply again, we need to keep up on mail, no longer than two weeks between checking it. Brenan will bring copies of stuff to Tilton for Rebecca.
  10. Adjourn @ 7:55
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

January 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

January 14 – Renton Round Table Pizza

  1. Call to order
    1. Board present – David, Rebecca, Brenan
    2. Directors present – Mary, Nancy, Jared, Matt, Adam
    3. Various guests
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. New Board
    1. We start 2015 with 132 members
    2. Introduce officers:
      1. Jason Cohen – VP Business
      2. Rebecca Post – VP Finance
      3. Brennan Fillippini – VP River Ops
      4. David Elliott – President
    3. David Elliott elected as Chairperson
    4. Go over officer duties:
      1. VP Business: takes meeting notes, gathers prizes for club events, etc.
      2. VP Finance: does the books, etc.
      3. VP River Ops: makes sure all events go smoothly, etc.
      4. President: does everything else that needs to be done
    5. Select Committee Chairs and go over duties
      1. River Watch: Chris Herman
      2. Safety and Education: Rebecca Post
      3. Communications: Adam Schierenbeck
      4. Membership: Mary Koncikowski
      5. Programs/Volunteers: Nancy, Jim
      6. WRRR Wear: Rebecca Post
  5. Old Business
    1. January membership meeting – January 22
      1. Permits
      2. River “experts”
      3. Discuss promoting non-club trips: Want to encourage people to put notices online of when and where they
    2. Audit committee report: Everything went well with the internal audit, no issues found
    3. Review event dates for the year
      1. Tilton Trek – Feb 14
      2. Flip Practice – Apr 19
      3. Shangri-La Cleanup – Apr 25
      4. Green River Cleanup – May 2
      5. Wenatchee Rendezvous – Jun 4
      6. Sauk Summer Overnighter – Jun 27
      7. White Salmon Retreat – Jul 18
      8. Poker Run – Aug 8 (tentative)
      9. Tieton Rally – Sep 12
      10. Gear Swap – October (unknown date)
      11. Sauktoberfest – Oct 24
      12. Halloween – not scheduled, should we consider?
        1. Mark called Shangri-La and says we should book it soon
    4. Tilton Trek Status
      1. What is the club supplying?
        1. Budget is $150. Brennan will plan something for Saturday night
  6. New Business
    1. 2015 Budget: approved (but need to add Sauk overnighter camping)
    2. Green River Cleanup planning
      1. Brennan will touch base with Shangri-La
    3. Revamping the By-Laws (carry over from 2014)
      1. Items include member conduct rules, webmaster position, paper requirements
      2. Draft proposal in February
      3. Introduce in April
      4. Vote at Wenatchee Rendezvous
  7. Waterlog articles needed by 1/20
    1. Green River Cleanup teaser
    2. Tilton Trek article: Brennan and Brian will work on it; will also re-run last year
    3. President’s welcome message
  8. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Discussed ideas on expanding education, e.g. IK clinic, raft guiding, river reading, flip practice on moving water. Perhaps merge a few of these ideas into one. Chris Herman will work on ideas for putting together a Class II clinic.
    2. Brian: We have a good social atmosphere before and after trips. How can we be more social on the water?
    3. Derek: If a newcomer joins a trip, make sure they know what the required skill level is
  9. Adjourn
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

November 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order
    1. Attending: David, Nancy, Brenan, Jim, Rebecca, Jason
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 136 (last month 136)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Balance $6664.58
      2. PayPal: $160
      3. Should we donate to AWA or join other clubs with some of this surplus money
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. Not present
    2. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
      1. Everything is in the October meeting minutes. One correction – after starting with $33k for the cable drop, only $4500 was left to do the actual work after paper work and studies.
      2. Make sure we include $500 in budget for gravel and other river access improvements.
      3. Skykomish – everyone puts in on the north fork on private property. Think about doing a gift or something for the owners. If there are other private river access, let Brenan know. Plan on getting thank you notes signed by members to give to them.
      4. Rebecca has question about Green river access. The main entrance that everyone uses was blocked. Paul/Jay probably know more, Brenan will add it to his list.
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Nothing to add
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Not present
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Not present
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. Do we want to book the January meetings (first board and permit/general board meeting). Will discuss under new business
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Not present
  6. Old Business
    1. Safety training for Lyles
      1. Lyles is interested, Nancy to talk to Randy
      2. Rescue 3 International ( / Wavetrek Rescue ( are some options.
      3. If we do this, the idea is that whoever we elect and train would do our training next year so that we don’t have to hire anyone else.
      4. This year, group education budget was $1600 + $600 for scholarship. This could be carried over to next year, but hate to see budget items grow.
    2. Election status
      1. Only received about 14 votes. Encouraged the board to vote.
    3. Gear swap roundup
      1. Overloaded pizza because some people left early. Spent about $200 on pizza and had about 2 left over.
    4. Sauktoberfest roundup
      1. Went well, about 26 boats and a river board.
    5. Shangri-La Halloween party roundup
      1. Went really well. Should have it for the Cleanup if we want it. We need to fill out the form. Mark signed a form for the Halloween event. Need to do it again for the Green Cleanup.
  7. New Business
    1. Tilton Trek planning – 2/14-2/16 (present day weekend)
      1. Will reuse the article from previous.
      2. Talked about a crock pot cook off, but nothing special at this point.
    2. Forums (Facebook, WRRR website, and Yahoo)
      1. Official position
      2. Recommendation is that we make it clear that forums are not official club benefit and requirement is that people are civil.
      3. Recommend switching board group to WRRR forum from Yahoo group.
      4. Moderator rules
      5. Suggest notify anyone being banned and posting something about why they were banned.
    3. Appoint audit committee
      1. Nancy, Rebecca, and David appointed. Anytime after today. Rebecca leaves after Thanksgiving, so suggest doing it before. Nov 21 @6:00 at Nancy’s house.
    4. Plan January general membership meeting
      1. January 14th board meeting – Renton roundtable
      2. January 22nd general membership meeting – Overlake roundtable
    5. Club safety equipment
      1. Defibrillator
      2. OWA has one and brings it on their trips. Cost about $1200. CPR isn’t very effective. Rebecca is certified to use one at work, it requires annual training.
      3. At the very least we should always have an official sweep boat for all events and that boat would carry the equipment. Table this discussion for another time.
      4. Sat phone
      5. $300 plus $20 a month for 40 messages.
      6. Walkie talkies
      7. Have done water proof ones as prizes in the past, intended to do that this year as well.
    6. Year in Review
      1. David thanks everyone.
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 12/1
    1. Note later date because of election results timing
    2. VP River Ops
      1. New Year
      2. Tilton Trek full article
    3. Chair
      1. January General Membership Meeting
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Nothing
  10. Adjourn
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

October 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

In person meeting at Round Table Pizza in Renton

  1. Call to order @ 7:09
    1. Board present: David Elliott, Jason Cohen, Brenan Filippini, Nancy Douty,
    2. Directors present: Adam Schierenbeck, Rebecca Post, Chris Herman, Jim Johnson (phone), Mary Koncikowski (late)
    3. Members present: Brian Vogt, Jared, Paul
    4. Guest: Phil Kincaire
  2. Review minutes and approve – David motion to approve, Rebecca 2nd, approved!
  3. Review agenda – done
  4. Officer
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 136 (last month 139)
        1. Down a little, it’s that time of year
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. Gear swap coming up, will talk about that later.
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. Nothing to report
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Don’t have the balance, but plenty of money.
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. Would be cool to have designated photographer for Waterlog. Jared really likes to take pictures. Could just coordinate with people that are taking pictures. If they get posted full size on Facebook, that would work too.
    2. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
      1. Phil Kincaire from forest service – Wild and Scenic manager for the forest service. Does ops and planning. Tries to come annually to let us know what we are doing.
        1. North fork Nooksack – grant for improvements on the 542 corridor. Used to do emergency closers for salmon spawning, but have relaxed that for private boaters. Grant used to improve the access to eddy behind bedrock. Plenty of room off 542 for parking. Still need to put up railings, but about 85% done. Working with Tom on safety.
        2. Sauk – Bachman. Seattle City Light money. Had met with Snohomish County parks about what they wanted, but never went anywhere. Finally had Tom talk to them. September, dropped 14-16 trees on lower terrace. Rented excavator, county cleaned up the wood and graded. Gravel was supposed to delivered this week. Can get trailers down to the river now.
        3. Index-Galena road, recreation access should still be part of this road package. Not expected till 2016. Howard Creek (tributary to north fork) bridge is also messed up, going to try and do them at the same time.
        4. Lower Stahikan – park service wants to improve road for takeout (put in for lake). Seeking grants, confident they will get it but will be a couple years.
        5. Cable Drop (south fork Sky) – difference of opinion if rails are needed. Paul says they are absolutely not needed. The upper rails are installed according to Brenan’s specs. Trail crew is going to install the rest of the rails on the 27th. Don’t have to finish them if we think they are not needed. Will dragging the boats over the stairs cause problems? If anyone has a chance to get out there before the 27th, we can call off the rest of the rails. Parking is often full from hikers.
        6. Lower Nooksack – creating recreation plan. Public wants access to the rivers. Looking at 3 acre DNR piece by Maple Falls for access by mile 26.5. DNR reconveyance was an issue before with Watcom county. Watcom land trust by definition is public access, just not always trail or parking.
        7. Cable Drop – Left with $4500 (out of 33k budget) plus some money from AWA. We provided labor. WRRR Presented with certificate of appreciation for help and thanks. Brennan also provided one for his help and donation of materials.
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Funds for other things (prizes or subsidize gear),
      2. Rescue three international
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Nothing new
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Nothing new
      2. Will send photos to David and Brian
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. Getting the glue to Brenan.
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Not present
  6. Old Business
    1. Tieton roundup
      1. Mary says breakfast potluck was a bust. Brenan motion that Mary be in charge next year. Rebecca 2nd. Motion approved.
      2. 5 Toilets worked well (3 us, 1 OWA, 1 BWD). Were getting a bit full by the end. Can get extra cleaning at $95 an hour from Yakima, but only would work well if done on Saturday because they were clean Friday morning.
      3. Should get a dumpster next year (have in a past), there are some public ones on highway 12. Could dump when running shuttle.
    2. Gear Swap and Repair Clinic status
      1. Jim getting glue to Brenan
      2. David doing some door prize.
    3. Sauktoberfest status
      1. Playing it by ear, flow dependent.
    4. Halloween party status
      1. What about food. Mary says no breakfast potluck. Mary volunteers to do main dish and everyone potluck sides. Saturday pancake feed (bring your own meat). River ops taps out for dinner, vote to allow Mary to take on Saturday night pot luck dinner. Motion passed to approve budget of $300 for dinner.
  7. New Business
    1. Tilton Trek discussion
      1. Presidents Day weekend.
      2. Cabins are probably all gone already.
      3. Low club footprint, reuse article from last year.
    2. Ballot
      1. Thanks Rebecca for doing the work. Yeah!
      2. Thanks Jared for volunteering (also Matt).
      3. Brian is the election committee, Chris can also help remotely. Brian will need help getting the paper ballots from the mail (Nancy will do that).
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 10/20
    1. None needed.
    2. New Year’s float can be done in November.
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Brian and Joe wondering why we don’t do something online for WRRR gear. Can setup account with online company to print on demand. Less profits, but can offer broader set of gear. Could still stock the basics (t-shirts).
    2. Rebecca went to Washington Wild Rivers presentation. There were a bunch of booths for non-profits. They sold sili-pints with logos for $10, you got beer/wine and the organization got the money. Suggest that WRRR to a booth next year. They also have a silent auction. Lots of fun stuff. Have done that in the past, but had trouble getting people to man the booth. Rebecca will try to remember next year. Can also look for other events we can do.
    3. Should consider doing another Elwah trip now that there is more river to do. Rebecca will look into it. Jim has orchard we can probably camp in.
    4. If there are trips posted, Brenan says we should put them on the calendar.
      1. Wenatchee River thing.
  10. Adjourn @ 8:24
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

September 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Conference call

    1. Call to order @ 7:11
      1. Board Present: David Elliott, Jason Cohen, Brenan Filippini, Nancy Douty @ 7:26
      2. Directors present: Nate Dickison, Rebecca Post, Jim Johnson @ 7:16
    2. Review minutes and approve – David motion to approve, minutes approved.
    3. Review agenda – done
    4. Officer
      1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
        1. Membership 139 (last month 136)
          1. Not too many people that need to review or coming up on renewal. Should end the year at 140ish
          2. Did Jeff R. renew? Not that David knows, Brenan will get it from him this weekend.
      2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
        1. Toilets are good, otherwise river ops on vacation.
      3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
        1. Nothing to report
      4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
        1. Bank account looking good at ~$6300
    5. Standing Committee Reports
      1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
        1. Not present
      2. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
        1. Nothing new to report this month
        2. Nothing new from King County. Brenan to follow up with them on work party. We were waiting for comment review, but just need to check if it is okay to use it. When we get some water we should try it out (at least 3 weeks). Just make sure the gate isn’t closing at dusk. Road opens it up October 1st and close it back up in spring.
      3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
        1. Nothing new.
      4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
        1. Not present – Brenan says he posted the Tieton and will post Sauktober Fest and Gear Swap
      5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
        1. Not present
      6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
        1. Planning on getting the glue to someone coming to the Gear Swap this weekend at the Tieton.
      7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
        1. Did we ever get our money back on HydroFlasks engraving (5 x $4). Need to check card for refund, David to ask Nancy to check.
        2. Planning to go to the Tieton to this weekend. Excited for new shirts. Brenan has the shirts and will bring them to the Tieton. There are stickers in the bin too (hats and cozies as well).
    6. Old Business
      1. Nominating committee report – Need ballot by October 1
        1. Poll current board for who is still running and find replacements for anyone that isn’t.
        2. Brenan will help, make sure they are eligible (club member since at least March).
      2. Tieton Rally Status
        1. OWA joint weekend.
        2. Brenan bringing lots of toilet paper.
        3. Potluck Sunday morning @ 8:30.
        4. Full article didn’t get in the Water Log, but we will make sure we get it posted everywhere else.
        5. Gravel was brought in at a cost about $300 a week and a half ago. Laid at the end of the road, much better now.
      3. Gear swap status
        1. All set at the hanger, just need to get the glue (Jimmy to give it to Brenan)
        2. Should we have a raffle? Money? Prizes? Cost? – Could just do a free one (shirt, patches, etc.) David to take care of it.
      4. Sauktoberfest status – Oct 25
        1. Brenan doesn’t need anything except flow. If no water, just do flip practice at take out maybe. Skagit as backup? – no flow should be okay, will do clear creek to the mill at any level.
      5. Shangri-La Halloween party status
        1. Brenan left a message today. Will let us know when we hear back.
    7. New Business
      1. Proposed $500 budget for River Access committee (only if bank account is $3000 or more)
        1. For buying tools or materials like gravel for river access.
        2. Brenan makes motion, Rebecca second – no one opposed, everyone approves. Motions passes.
        3. Do we want to get another load, probably not this year. Will check to see if rangers said anything this weekend.
    8. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. Halloween party full article
          1. Once we hear back, Brenan will email the WRRR board so we can get on it soon. Only one more meeting between now and then.
          2. Plan for a family event, so make it clear.
          3. Upper lot can be quite area and main camp be the all nighters.
    9. Announcements and good of the order
      1. Budget for Safety
        1. little late to do anything this year, David recommends rolling budget till next year and do a 2 day class.
        2. Could we see about getting someone in the club certified to teach a class and use club money to do so in exchange for teaching club. Randy should be certified, can check if he is interested in teaching class. Could also talk to Lyles about getting certified, he is very passionate about safety. Jason can talk to him this weekend.
      2. Check out if we want to do another order of HydroFlasks.
      3. If we have extra money, do we want to raffle a big prize like IK. Could also do larger gifts. Safety gear would be best. Maybe can give something away at the gear swap. Brenan has a roper grabber he will bring this weekend to see if we want to pick some up to give away. Can do raffle / door prizes at pizza time.
      4. Make sure Brenan brings hoodies at Tieton since it gets cold.
    10. Adjourn @ 7:45
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

August 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:06
    1. Board present: David Elliott, Nancy Douty, Jason Cohen, Brenan Filippini
    2. Directors present: Rebecca Post, Adam Schierenbeck, Jimmy Johnson (@7:29)
    3. Members present:
  2. Review minutes and approve – minutes approved
  3. Review agenda – nothing to add
  4. Officer
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 137 (last month 127)
      2. Coming back up, just some old boaters dropping off
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. Tieton
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen – nothing
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. $221.81 just transferred from PayPal plus $85 in membership from the mail box
      2. Total in the ban $6900.92 – Brenan is mostly reimbursed, just a few small items for plates.
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt – not present
    2. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
      1. Middle middle take out still needs a work part, but waiting on King County.
      2. Nooksack take out improvements in progress.
      3. October 1st the middle middle road opens up, but close against next year to pave.
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. No update, but targeting end of September / October
      2. Rowers progression a couple years ago, should consider doing that again under safety umbrella.
      3. 5 weekends in a row in the spring on easy rivers to get people some experience.
      4. Talking about doing IK clinic as well in fall / spring
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Coming to Tieton, has some books and a small barrel pump from David Belcher to bring.
      2. Class V Chronical is a great read.
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski – not present
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson – not present
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison – not present
  6. Old Business
    1. White Salmon Roundup
      1. Went well, was beautiful.
      2. Sold some new shirts and Hydro flasks
      3. Tried to book for next year, but need to call next year to book it (call her or Trout Lake in January)
      4. There is a big fly in a couple weeks after us which we need to make sure it doesn’t conflict once.
      5. Paid $125 a night instead of $10 a head since that was cheaper, didn’t have to pay extra $35 for the port-a-potty usage.
      6. Had a pretty good turnout.
      7. Heard it is running in March, should consider a trip there in the spring. Little higher in the spring (2000), but we usually run at 900.
      8. There was some minor tension between cats and kayaks around boat spacing, but got resolved. Should consider safety talk.
    2. Poker Run Roundup
      1. Poker hands rose $960 minus $125 for prizes.
      2. Little money from camping (about $35), lunch ($5), memberships, and sold some gear ($461).
      3. Brenan has the remaining cards, need to check to see how many we actually used for next year.
      4. Shuttle was posted for 8:30 for volunteers and launch at 9:00, but didn’t make that. Should stick for 9:00 shuttle and 10:00 launch for next year. Sweep got back about 5:30. Stop selling cards at 11:30.
      5. Little less turn out, but Brenan pushing cards.
      6. Little uncomfortable with the sharpie marking cards, but if we go back to stamps next year or different color markers we should be okay.
    3. Tieton Rally Status
      1. David won’t make the rally weekend this year
      2. Toilets are ordered, 5 (OWA for 1 and Big Wave Dave for 2) – worked well having them over by Big Wave Dave camps. Asked them to pump twice during the busy weeks. Coming with hand pumps, ran out of water last year but the will try to refill this year. River Ops will bring TP.
      3. OWA has it listed for that weekend, David is the trip leader. He will send out a message to the OWA mailing list. Brenan can be their trip leader as well since he is OWA member. Haven’t talked to them since the Green River Cleanup.
      4. Sunday morning breakfast potluck planned. No plan for costume float.
    4. Gear swap status
      1. Randy’s hanger on Saturday October 18th. Pizza at noon (BYOB). David wrote and sent article in. Hours are 11-4.
      2. Just need to make sure we get the glue. Jim to get it, pint size.
      3. David is bringing some gear.
  7. New Business
    1. Rogue planning
      1. Running as a private trip. Permit is full with a bunch of people on standby. Standby people keeping eye on cancelation list. Lots of cancelations, anyone who wants to go should be able to go. Couple people dropped, but replaced by others.
      2. People should put in for next year, there is an article in the Waterlog with dates. We can do it at the permit party.
    2. Sauktoberfest planning
      1. Oct 25
      2. Just need the article, nothing much else.
      3. Just going to wing it and watch the flow, BBQ at the take out or at Brenan’s place. Plenty of room for camping there.
    3. Shangri-La Halloween party planning
      1. Need to double check Halloween at Shangri-La means Friday the 31st and not the weekend before.
      2. Brenan and Mark don’t have much confidence in getting it, should plan on not doing the Green River Cleanup next year. David just suggests we try for it and if they give it to us, we need to keep on it more than once a month since that wasn’t enough this year. We asked Mark to do it and Mark did check in and in fact we found out we didn’t have it. Need to have more than one person checking in next year and also make sure we have backup camping. Mark and Brenan going to contact them about Halloween. It is popular at Halloween and we haven’t talked to him in a couple months, so we need to check again even though he said it was for sure.
      3. If we don’t get it on actual Halloween, let’s not change the Sauktoberfest and lets not trust them anymore.
      4. Didn’t get Kanaskit Palmer because first he said we had the wrong dates, but when email trail showed we had the correct dates, they said someone higher up just gave it away.
      5. All ages or adult only? David, Jason, Nancy no opinion. As a club function, can we have an adult only event. Probably could, but it is a nice spot for kids and people
    4. 2015 Poker Run reservations
      1. August 6-8
      2. Brenan is taking care of that.
    5. Appoint nominating committee
      1. Nancy and Brenan heard that Rebeca volunteered. She says okay. Needs to pound pavement to make sure we have all of the positions filled. People have to have been a member since March. Officers are covered (David, Jason, Nancy, Brenan). Trying to find directors at large (need 5) and want to be officers someday. Jim is on 3rd year of DOL and needs to step up or aside. Brenan likes river ops because it makes you boat more, but can step aside. He is still 1st year, so he can do it 2 more. Can bounce between roles, Nancy has only taken a year off in about 30 years.
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 8/20
    1. David still needs to mail Belcher and Jim’s moms.
    2. VP River Ops
      1. Rogue full article
      2. Sauktoberfest full article
    3. Programs
      1. Gear swap full article
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Nancy still needs to do 2013 taxes. Can anyone help out? Brenan used his accountant to help. Bring it to the Tieton and he can help. Still waiting on tax exempt status.
    2. Got the permit for Poker Run, but didn’t pay for it. Supposed to have insurance and first aid trading and to pay $50 but got it down to $25. She was supposed to call back after the Poker Run but we haven’t heard from her. The only reason we needed it is because we are taking money on public land. But then on Thursday she said we couldn’t take money at all on national park land at all, but then couldn’t tell us what we needed the permit for. Finally she asked if we are making money, which we said we are not since we give it all back as prizes. If we do pay it, Brenan to pay it personally because we don’t want to set precedence.
  10. Adjourn @ 8:05
Board Meeting Minutes

July 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

July 9 – Claim Jumper in Tukwila

  1. Call to order
    1. Board present – David, Jason, Nancy, Brenan
    2. Directors present – Jimmy, Mary, Rebecca
    3. Members present – Joe, Jared, Kim
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 127(last month 140)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. 85 members renew this year so far.
      2. PayPal transfer about $300.
      3. Double check Green River expenses
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
    2. River Watch – Brenan Filippini
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
  6. Old Business
    1. Sauk Overnighter Roundup
      1. Move to approve communal breakfast expense of $50, motion approved.
      2. 19 people, full Salmon river extended trip ligit
      3. 30 people signed up, but weather kept some away.
      4. Only had one camp site this year, site 13. Was wrong site for launching, need 12 in addition. Considering charging $15-$20 to get commitment. OWA does this and limits groups size. Full meal trip might be $35.
    2. White Salmon status
      1. Need new backup trip leader, Nancy nominates Randy
    3. Poker Run status
      1. Permit has been filed, but didn’t send the $50 fee. Don’t have a permit, just sent the form in for formalities.
      2. Technically need first aid cards for leaders
      3. Mary will do station 1 if she can make it. Brenan will help get the Ks gear there
      4. Brenan needs some backup trip leader, Jason and Rebecca volunteers
      5. Poker stations meet at 8:30 and do the shuttle separately
    4. Tieton Rally status
      1. Ordered the 5 toilets, 3 for us and 2 for Big Wave Dave
    5. Rogue status
      1. Rogue Trip is full (20 people) with 8 alternates
    6. Charter renewal
      1. done
    7. Wenatchee camping for 2015
      1. reserved
    8. Hydro-flasks
      1. 64 oz. are missing logos
  7. New Business
    1. Gear swap planning
      1. Nancy to follow up with Randy, 10/18 is the tentative date discussed before (doesn’t conflict with the Sauktoberfest on 10/25)
    2. Official WRRR Halloween at Sheng-ra-la as makeup for Green River Cleanup
    3. PayPal
      1. Was going to setup a way to pay for GRCU BBQ with PayPal, but forgot to tell people
      2. Need to decide what to do with Poker Run – fees are $.30+2.9% which for small transaction is about 10%
      3. Do we eat the fees or charge more. Suggest a flat fee of $1 per transaction. Just use it for advance purchase rather than set a precedence that David is always going to be there to take pay pal.
      4. Motion to just use it for pre BBQ for Poker Run for $6.
    4. 2015 Board of Directors
      1. David willing to be president again.
      2. Rebecca willing to be director again.
      3. Jimmy needs to move positions to stay on board (3rd year as director)
    5. Waterlog articles needed by 7/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. Tieton Rally full article – Brenan on that
  8. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Dutch oven meat loaf – ask Rebecca
    2. Printing the Water Logs
      1. Currently $20 a month, Mary doesn’t need it now, Jason will take care of Jays, down to just 1 or 2
    3. Consider having the finance person renew camp grounds
    4. Got the new shirts
    5. Kayak stuck in the Nooksack, going to get it tomorrow.
  9. Adjourn @ 8:06
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

June 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:12:
    1. Officers: David Elliott, Nancy Douty, Jason Cohen, Brenan Filippini
    2. Directors : Rebecca Post
    3. Members:
  2. Review minutes and approved
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 140 (last month 140)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. Wenatchee went well, pretty on time for everything. Even Chris Herman on time. Counted 60 boats. Turn out lighter, but more tickets sold. Partner stove really helped sell the tickets.
      2. David talked to the camp host, he was happier with our behavior. Dogs on leashes and we were a little quieter. Jay was the first person and he was kind of rude. Heard it from others as well. Had problems in past with camping in other sites. He had a run in with Lee a little bit because they had two vehicles and not both in the group camp. Make note to adjust article to indicate etiquette. Need to still book next year. Confirm that June 6 is the date. Poker run is the only one still up in the air for next year – 15th doesn’t work so we should make it the 8th.
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen – nothing
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Current bank balance: $7456.29 Still Money out for prizes and Mary for CPR. People paid but outstanding checks still.
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt – not present
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman Brenan
      1. Potential new Nooksack take out, new DNR land acquired.
      2. Cable drop going pretty good, and should be finalized this year. Good for rafts now, but want grandmas to be able to go too. So add more steps, railings to go up in August.
      3. Sauk river at Bachman Park – have some money to put in toilets and other improvements. Once done, should be nicest access in the state.
      4. Skokomish North Fork – should get road open up in the next two years (not confirmed). Talked about boater access around Trout Creek (mile 6.9?), not sure if above or below. We put in user comments a while back, purpose of rebuild is for boater access. Phil is going to retire soon, so trying to get it in motion.
      5. Suiattle River road supposed to open in October which is big deal because washed out a few years ago. Will open up the upper section. There was an issue a while back with using a helicopter to rebuild the road. With no road, there is stress on the other trails especially from horses.
      6. Middle middle – could use some help, not much going on. Talked to Tom O’Keeffe, but not much happening.
      7. The Sauk gage at Darrington seems to be calibrated correctly. Tom to update AW at the end of the season not to confuse people this season.
      8. Should we make Brenan chairman? Chris hasn’t made a meeting since January.
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Nothing new to report
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck – not present
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski – not present
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson – not present
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison – not presenet
  6. Old Business
    1. Wenatchee Rendezvous roundup – see above
      1. See above
    2. Sauk Overnighter status
      1. Camping is set for Thursday / Friday. Brenan has most of the gear. June 9th was the cut off, so going to send mail to those who RSVP. Run it like a normal trip, post required gear. Run it like a real Idaho trip. Meet at 11:00, launch at 2:00, and camp about 4 miles down. Suggest WRRR provide breakfast (not enough people to vote). Whole point of trip is to learn how to do an overnighter. Feedback in the past has suggested we do more these type events. Looking for ideas for food. Trying to make it easy so people can focus the overnight stuff. Should we drop stuff at White Chuck. Try to avoid it so people get used to running loaded, but having something there just as backup in case someone gets nervous. Make sure we do safety talk.
    3. White Salmon status
      1. Kind of auto pilot. Having Aaron and Kat be alternate trip leader has been a big help.
    4. Poker Run status
      1. Finalize 2015 date – august 8th 2015.
      2. Dealing with the permit issue: Talking to Hunter as Pixie suggested. Suggest handling it by individually talking to them (not through the club). Try to just fill out the permit without paying or having first aid / safety card. Just need to get the application in before July 7th. Brenan doesn’t really know Hunter, so David will call him.
    5. Web site status
      1. David been writing custom code for the web site and close to moving all membership to the website. Hopefully will have everything done by the end of the year with a demo to everyone in fall.
    6. Hydro-flasks
      1. Currently planning on shipping in July, so probably won’t have them for the White Salmon, but at least for the Poker Run. David ordered one through OWA, but still not here either.
  7. New Business
    1. Tieton Rally planning
      1. OWA good with doing a combined weekend with us. Just need to talk to Valley Septic to get the 5 toilets (Brenan will take care of it).
    2. 2015 Board of Directors
      1. David doesn’t have the time/bandwidth to be president next year. The time commitment is up to you. The president’s job is to get people to do things. The position is often also the chair, but doesn’t have to be. They should be committed to going to all the events. Need to keep recruiting new blood. With the phone in it should open up a whole new set of folks. Eligibility is based on a max 3 years in a position (including directors). Missing board info for early years and 1999 (transition of waterlog from someone to Joe)
    3. July board meeting location (7/9)
      1. South center, Renton, Overlake? Nancy to reserve Overlake, Claim Jumper as backup (preferred over roundtable because of the room).
    4. Waterlog articles needed by 5/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. Poker Run full article – not much new except dates and combined with OWA.
        2. Tieton Rally teaser
      2. Nancy to check if $19 is really the cost for 5 newsletters, if so Brenan can take over printing the 5.
      3. Safety Chair
        1. Scholarships article – Jason to put together article on scholarships. Probably not going to use any of the first half money (but can budget that for some other safety related activities).
  8. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Sauk Monday has been a blast. Thursday Middle-middle is done (but still doing Friday). Real good turn out on the Sauk this weekend.
  9. Adjourn @ 8:04

Remembering Past WRRR Officers

The WRRR Board page has been updated with information about past WRRR boards. We want to recognize the people who have served the club in the past before this information gets lost.

We don’t yet have information for the years before 1992. If you have old Waterlogs that have lists of board members, or if you have other records showing the board members from the missing years, please send email to

Community News

FOG Tacoma Negotiations


If you believe rivers and their ecosystems and wildlife – including salmon — need protection, now is the time to do something to take care of the Green River. Friends of the Green River, a small non-profit organization, will need help once again from you and your friends to negotiate with Tacoma to get the best deal possible for the salmon, listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened, for the instream flows on this river, for the boaters who love the Green, for the conservationists and recreational users who want to continue to enjoy one of their favorite rivers in Washington.





Friends of the Green River and City of Tacoma are about to start up another round of negotiations to nail down specifics of the “Settlement Agreement Between City of Tacoma, King County, and Friends of Green River.”

Way back in the mid-1990’s, Friends of the Green River (FOG) appealed the issuance by King County of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to Tacoma to build a 2nd water transmission pipeline that would divert approximately 100 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water from the Green River. This would be in addition to the 100 cfs of water they had been diverting from the Green since they built a dam and pipeline in the early days of the 20th Century.

Friends of the Green went through the process of an Appeal to the King County Hearings Board and then appealed to the State Shoreline Hearings Board. At some point during the process of getting ready for that hearing, FOG decided to try negotiating a settlement with Tacoma. We reached an agreement with Tacoma at the end of 1995, after about a year’s work.

Rachael Paschal of Center for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) was our most faithful advisor through this long process and found us an attorney to do much of the formal work preparing for the Shoreline Hearings Board hearing and then writing the Agreement. So thanks to Rachael, we had, in effect, 2 attorneys guiding us through the process.

One point in the Agreement said that it would not go into effect until Tacoma had built and commenced operation of the Second Supply Project. The Pipeline that is the subject of this Agreement was not completed until approximately 10 years from the date the parties signed the Agreement.

Once it was in effect, both sides looked at the Agreement and decided that what we had written 10 years previously, now needed some details that would clarify what was meant in the original Agreement. FOG began a series of meetings with our constituents and members – primarily whitewater boaters and conservationists. These meetings preceded and then ran parallel with the negotiations sessions between Tacoma and FOG (and included FOG members and constituents). Eventually the negotiations petered out because of personnel changes in Tacoma and then because of difficulties getting started again.

Now, Tacoma has asked us to again resume negotiations, and is proposing some changes of its own. One point Tacoma makes is that they owe us, by terms of the Agreement, $123,000 which they would pay to American Whitewater to be held as a source of funds to be used for grants for purposes to be determined by FOG. It’s possible that a close reading of the entire Agreement could yield even more dollars than Tacoma has indicated. We need your eyes to be sure FOG and our allies get everything the original Agreement grants us.

Additionally FOG needs you to help us think creatively in asking for the kinds of things that would be best for the Green River and its Friends. Some items in the original Agreement no longer make sense and Tacoma recognizes that. We need to consider increased Land Use in the Middle Green River area and its effects on the river, its salmon and other aquatic life, and on aesthetics and recreation. And what about the increasing impacts on water quality and adequate – even optimal – flows on the Green River? And think about the effects of Climate Change on this river – how can we work with Tacoma to make things better for the river and its ecosystem? For its wildlife and the humans who love it? Could the Green River be an example of how to think about other rivers of the State, to protect them all better for all of us and our wildlife and fish?

Please contact Friends of the Green to help with this new phase of our efforts.

For more information, please see the original FOG/Tacoma Agreement here:


Pat Sumption, president

Friends of the Green (Duwamish) River, 206-525-1708

Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

May 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:05
    1. Board Present: David Elliott, Nancy Douty, Jason Cohen, Brenan Filippini
    2. Directors at Large: Adam Schierenbeck
    3. Members: Pat Sumption, Rebecca Post
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. approved
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 140 (last month 147)
      2. No new members at the Green River cleanup (didn’t put out forms until mid-way through the BBQ)
      3. 21 about to expire, 18 expired in the last 90 days.
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. See agenda below
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. See agenda below
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Balance in checking $6281.10, stuff still outstanding though
      2. Nothing about CPR and flip practice
      3. Owe money to David and Mary still
      4. Money from Rebecca deposited, still needs to be entered into the spreadsheet.
      5. Money for food and $135 for shirts deposited
      6. Brennan reimbursed for camping (except for White Salmon which we pay at the event), haven’t submitted for the prizes yet
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Have brain dump from Pixie, planning on same 1 day class as last year. Targeting a date in June
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. WRRR forums on website, will promote them in the newsletter
      2. Put out message about the Rendezvous
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
  6. Special Business
    1. Nominate and vote for Rebecca Post to fill empty Director position
      1. David Nominates Rebecca Post, Nancy 2nds. Vote:
        1. David: yes
        2. Nance: yes
        3. Brenan: yes
        4. Jason: yes
        5. Adam: yes
      2. Approved
  7. Old Business
    1. Flip Practice roundup
      1. Good event, little bit of rain, but not bad.
      2. About 15 or more people.
    2. Green River cleanup roundup
      1. Everything went great
      2. What was the deal with the red cones?
        1. Trying new things, marking spots to pick up trash until some people picked up the cones thinking they were trash. Going to mark the cones, but didn’t have the sharpie. Just did word of mouth, need to do better communication next year. Announce next year and better signage.
      3. Didn’t put out the WRRR bucks.
      4. Throw bag golf went well at the pick nick. Went on for about 2 hours.
      5. Probably biggest boating turnout, about 224 registered volunteers (lots at the BBQ – roughly checking membership sheet, but probably need to have someone fulltime checking next year). Least trash (< 1 cubic yard), most rain, and highest flow.
      6. Ideas for next year
        1. Permanent kiosk at the park with list of years/volunteers and aerial map. Rangers are for it, so Brennan and Jay will work on it.
        2. 2015 camping
          1. Shangri-La
            1. Looks like we can get it, but should we pay a little money so we get it? As long as we are before May, we should be good. We just need to call them frequently next year.
            2. Giving us Halloween weekend as a make-up.
          2. Kanasket-Palmer
            1. We thought we had the group camp a few months ahead of time, but there was a mistake they donated it to the girl scouts that same weekend.
            2. They gave us 8 spaces this year, and then 7 more when we raised a stink. There were plenty of sites, so remained empty all weekend but some may have stayed away because we didn’t have the group camp.
    3. Pat Sumption – wants 10 minutes to speak
      1. Jay, Brennan, and Pat agree we need to do something spectacular for the 30th Anniversary
      2. Pat organizes the ground crew and wants to coordinate with WRRR better next year. Pat wants to hand off ground crew duties. Ground crews are the best way to get the most trash. If members have people in groups (scouts, churches, etc.), contact Pat help coordinate. Best if we have someone who lives near the river for more credibility. Let us know who has helped in the past, maybe Volunteers of Washington since they started the event. Pat looking for intern/community helper to try to get paper notes into list to use for cleanup and city of Tacoma. David suggest we start this in January, but we could do some stuff now. Brian going to add pictures about the cleanup, but good to get articles from different people. Pat handed out pamphlets to try to get personal stories about their experience, but none back yet.
      3. The FOG agreement with Tacoma is up for renegotiation again.
    4. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. All good. Still want to find 2 people for membership, 2 people for raffle tickets, 1 person for potluck time (6:30) reminder (Nancy/Randy volunteer, can do membership also if now one else volunteers). Usually get these at the event, but nice to have these ahead of time.
      2. Not sure about the Hyrdro-flasks for prizes, but still should be okay.
    5. White Salmon status
      1. Aaron and Kat are trip leaders (want to do more trip leader model going forward so river ops can take care of loose ends).
      2. Camping cost is based on head count, non-members will need to pay.
    6. Poker Run planning
      1. Need helpers for River Ops
      2. Jason to take care of the cards
      3. Any worry about the rangers being there ahead of time because last time they warned that we are not allowed to land and setup along the river. Not too worried about it.
      4. Are cash prizes budget separate from the prize budget? Yes it is. Usually have cash from the hand sales, but we can bring cash. Do we have the laminated cash prizes from last year? David to plan on making new ones unless he hears otherwise (he has them already)
      5. 5 poker stations, 1 at put-in and the others along the river.
        1. Meet ahead of time so they can launch at 9.
        2. Idea to do appetizers at each station, but they are pretty hectic.
        3. Try to bring back lunch if we get volunteers.
        4. Brennan, Nancy, David, Rebecca are tentative station volunteers.
        5. Do we need to write down hands
      6. Can we do something for the volunteers (aprons have been done in the past)?
    7. Tieton Rally discussion
      1. David talked to Brenda and Bruce from OWA at the Green River Clean-up
      2. Actually get 5 toilets (1 for Big Wave Dave, 1 for OWA, 3 for WRRR) this year.
      3. Anything special like the costume contest we did a few years ago?
    8. Review Waterlog ads and sponsorship program
      1. Have the same ads, no one has expired (Jim and Casey are updated). River Booty considering sponsor, David to hook them up with Brennan
    9. Stickers
      1. 18 small @ $2.30 – charge $5 each. 5 large @ $10 – charge $20.
      2. Will have them for the Rendezvous
    10. Hydro-flasks
      1. Not sure on the status, need to talk to Nate.
  8. New Business
    1. 2015 Proposed Calendar – get it done now so we can start reserving
      1. Cedar New Years – Jan 1
      2. Tilton – Feb 14-16
      3. April Flip Practice – Apr 19 (Easter is Apr 5)
      4. Shangri-La Cleanup – Apr 25
      5. Green River Cleanup – May 2
      6. Wenatchee Rendezvous – June 6
      7. Sauk Overnighter – June 27
      8. White Salmon – July 18 (Nancy – make sure it doesn’t conflict with Arlington Fly-in)
      9. Poker Run – Aug 15 (Nancy – make sure it doesn’t conflict with market anniversary event)
      10. Tieton – Sep 12
      11. Rogue – Sep 24
      12. Sauktoberfest – Oct 24
      13. Cispus is not here because we don’t control / get the dates till January (contact Eric and Gina), great entry level event.
    2. Cable Drop work this weekend – May 16/17
      1. Found out a little late from Phil, finishing up some more steps and guard rails this weekend. David not sure where Brennan is putting the events, they are not up on the WRRR web site (or Facebook), just on Yahoo groups. Will run the river after if it isn’t too high. Will be the only real legal put in except for the confluence. At the bridge in index is mostly private property. Roomer is there is an old park that could be developed as a put in and another one on the Sauk at Bachman park (money to put in more facilities) or maybe the mill.
      2. Brennan is okay with his pinky email posted on Facebook.
    3. President and VP River Ops need to contact the President of OWA to discuss plans for the Tieton
      1. See above
    4. Patches and more stickers
      1. David requests permission to use the WRRR text logo to create iron on patches. Brennan 2nds the motion. No one opposes, approved!
      2. The stickers Jason is getting are fairly expensive, but we have done cheap ones to give out in the past. David looked into getting more, 2×3 water proof stickers @ $.45 if we get 250. Can use them to logo the prizes. David will get together a quote to talk about next meeting.
    5. Waterlog articles needed by 5/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. White Salmon full article
        2. Poker Run teaser
      2. Need to talk about the overnighter.
        1. 4 years ago we got feedback about more trips and overnighters. Need to make it clear it is an overnight on the river.
        2. Need groover and cooking gear coordinated.
        3. May need to limit the size of the group, but can split into pods.
        4. David, Brennan, and Jason to work on the article over email, and can do more planning at the Rendezvous.
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Middle-middle on Friday, should be a decent flow (about 2800, but could be higher).
    2. Pat writing 2 things for the newsletter, will send them to Brennan and Adam for review, and then Brian as text (or email)
  10. Adjourn @ 8:14
Club Events

Green River Cleanup BBQ Donations

We hope you are having a great time at the WRRR Green River Cleanup BBQ! If you want to pay your donation through PayPal, using your account or a credit card, you can do that here.

One person ($5):

Two people ($10):

Three people ($15):

Or you can go to and use as the recipient.



River Safety

Green River Safety Map

Brenan has put together a great map showing Mercury, the Nozzle, and Let’s Make a Deal. This should help people run this section of the Green Gorge without some of the problems we’ve seen in the past. See you on the river!

PDF: Green River Mercury Nozzle Safety Eddy Map

Here’s a screen capture of the map for people having problems with the PDF. Click the image to enlarge.Green River Mercury Nozzle Safety Eddy Map

Club Events

Brenan’s Beta – Green River Edition

With the Green River Cleanup coming up in a few days, we thought it would be nice to republish the Waterlog from 2013 with an article about the Green River. Be safe and have a good time out there!

April 2013 Waterlog

The Waterlog, with articles like this, is one of the great benefits of you WRRR membership.

Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

April 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Washington Recreational River Runners
Board Meeting April 9, 2014

  1. Call to order @ 7:05
    1. Board/Directors Present – David, Marry, Nancy, Brennan, Jim, Adam, Jason (phone), Nate (phone)
    2. Members – Stephanie, Lyles
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 147 (last month 152)
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Balance: $6195.40
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. Nothing (not present)
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
      1. Nothing (not present)
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. See below
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Web site forums not really used, Yahoo site is going down hill (lots of ads), and Facebook is getting used more.
      2. Add information about the Cispus the weekend after the cleanup (not official WRRR event)
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. David and Mary to do membership email
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. Nothing new
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Haven’t heard anything since last talking with Hydro-flask. Said the price was going to increase and we probably missed the deadline.
  6. Old Business
    1. Flip Practice status
      1. All good to go, just need funds for food.
    2. Green River Cleanup status
      1. Doing fine until Shangri-La backed out. Have Kanaskat-Palmer as backup.
      2. Reached out to a lot of clubs and people.
      3. Throw bag thing at paradise or flaming geyser?
      4. Maps are printed up to help reduce the confusion of the past.
      5. Brennan to run early and try to setup rigging in hard to stop places
      6. Stash WRRR bucks to encourage cleanup (not all found last year)
    3. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. Agenda for general membership meeting
      2. No changes to bylaws (wait till Poker Run), just introduce officers
      3. Try to get a better time so we know when the pot luck and raffle will be at.
      4. Haven’t talked to mark about the piñata.
      5. Article about policing dogs off leash
    4. Safety class status
      1. Nothing much new, reached out to Pixie to get info from last year.
      2. Try not to schedule for 5/17-5/18 weekend
    5. CPR class status
      1. Not a lot of people confirmed at this point, the idea was about 20 people. Deadline CPR class in one week (next Wednesday)
    6. By-law changes – David fallen behind – new goal is Poker Run vote
    7. Stickers
      1. Will do same order as last time, decide on price at cleanup
    8. Hydro-flasks
      1. Suggest we do the order if we can get the original price.
      2. David, Brennan, and Nate to hash out details and place order Friday.
  7. New Business
    1. Oso mudslide donation
      1. Donation for our club member who lost his wife, grand daughter, and house and has been working out there as fire fighter.
      2. Motion to approve $500 to donate to fund. Approved.
    2. White Salmon planning
      1. We have the camp ground, but last year we got hosed with the fire pit with the other RV group.
      2. Still do the noon meet for put in
    3. Poker Run discussion
      1. Camp ground is reserved for Thursday night on.
      2. Jason to do the forms
  8. Waterlog articles needed by 4/20
    1. NOTE: Please do not ignore the date and requests for articles – if you don’t get them in in time, the President has to write them, not the newsletter editor
    2. VP River Ops
      1. Wenatchee Rendezvous full article
      2. White Salmon teaser
  9. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Questions about the Shangri-La cleanup. Last year they were going to give away our weekend, even though we had it because we were not paying and they prefer paying customer. But the other party just moved to another weekend. This year Jason (the caretaker) just double booked while he was out on vacation. Still doing the pre-clean, just smaller group that is boating down.
    2. Do we move it next year to April to avoid conflicts? Probably don’t need to.
    3. Renew American White Water membership ($75 plus $100 extra) is budgeted and approved.
    4. Old guide books donated for Poker Run last year.
    5. Water Log – still doing paper for a few old members which costs about $25-$30.
    6. Nancy needs a little help with reconciliation of finances – David will help.
    7. Jim – who is getting Hydro Flasks? About half will be spoken for, others will be sold. It went out on email, but we need to put Jim in the subject line.
  10. Adjourn @ 7:47
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

March 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order @ 7:02
    1. Present on phone: David Elliot, Nancy Douty, Jason Cohen, Mary Koncikowski, Nate Dickison, Adam Shierenbeck
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Minutes approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
    1. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
      1. Membership 152 (last month 151)
        1. 10 people to expire this month, expect all to renew
    2. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
      1. On a vacation (cruise)
    3. VP Business – Jason Cohen
      1. nothing
    4. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
      1. Bank balance $5854.40, everything paid up except Brenan
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. nothing
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
    3. Safety and Education – Jason Cohen
      1. Timeframe earlier the better (last year April) shoot for May (both 1 day and 2 day)
      2. Only 8 people responded, so just set date for a class and contact the people personally. Run second article announcing date.
      3. Cost only about $10 for the cert card and first add supplies. Suggest $20 cost to confirm for class with a $10 refund in WRRR bucks. Can pay by check, cash (to Mary’s address), or PayPal. Nancy and David can tell who paid via PayPal.
      4. Shooting for April timeframe (maybe tight with the waterlog coming out end of March)
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Will setup stuff for CPR class
      2. Setup events for the Green Cleanup (pre-clean and main event)
      3. Still need to setup events for flip practice
      4. How far in advance? If too far, need to remind people. Go ahead and setup for the year and setup a reminder just before the event.
      5. Cannot logon to the WRRR forums, will contact David to get that setup.
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Nothing new on membership, nothing really to do – no new physical letter this year. Could just do an email if we want them back?
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. April Board Meeting info
      2. Plan to try and get Bogart’s but no word from Jimmy. Nancy will call and find out the status.
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Bought speakers for the raffle events
      2. Still looking into hydro-flasks.
      3. Will swap gear at the cleanup and make sure and submit receipts then
  6. Old Business
    1. Tilton Trek roundup
      1. No one present went, so nothing to talk about it
    2. Flip Practice status
      1. No Jimmy
    3. Green River Cleanup status
      1. No Brenan
    4. Wenatchee Rendezvous status
      1. No Brenan
    5. Status for getting donations of prizes
      1. Brenan has what he needs from David
    6. By-law changes
      1. David falling behind
    7. Stickers
      1. No status, try to have them for the next event
    8. Hydro-flasks
      1. Have the artwork we are going to use, just need to contact the company
      2. Going to sell them at cost – need to buy 25 for minimum order. Several sizes and colors. Couple for prizes and sell the rest.
  7. New Business
    1. White Salmon discussion
      1. Nothing new, know the date and need to secure the same camping
    2. Status of safety class planning
      1. See above
    3. Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
      1. VP River Ops
        1. Green River Cleanup full article
        2. Wenatchee Rendezvous teaser
        3. Brenan knows to get these both out
      2. Programs Chair
        1. Flip Practice Announcement
        2. Nancy to remind Jimmy
  8. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Mary – do we pay for the room at the Round Table? — No
    2. Consider location for Round Table instead of hanger since it is more centrally located and heated -but may not work well if not ordering food
    3. Conference call is very efficient – next meeting in person
  9. Adjourn @ 7:28
Board Meeting Minutes WRRR Board

February 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Washington Recreational River Runners
Board Meeting February 12, 2014

  1. Call to order @ 7:02
    1. Present on phone: David, Nancy, Brenan, Jason, Mary, Nate, Adam, Jim (late)
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
  4. Officer’s reports
  5. Chairperson/President – David Elliott
  6. Membership 151 (last month 150)
  7. VP River Ops – Brenan Filippini
  8. Tilton this weekend
  9. Ops just providing fire wood, potluck breakfast on Sunday
    1. Green River
      1. waiting for dump vouchers
      2. camping officially donated
      3. Flag areas for concentration
    2. Pre-clean on 4/26 at 9:00 Shangri-La
      1. Brenan write article for waterlog
      2. Bring gloves and yard tools
      3. Some run the river beforehand, usually take out at Shangri-La instead of continuing down to the park.
    3. Skagit
      1. Camping all set, $225 needs to be reimbursed to Brenan (was too excited to go get the WRRR card)
    4. Talking about work party for cable drop, going to get back to us with dates that don’t conflict with ours (sometime in spring)
  10. VP Business – Jason Cohen
    1. nothing
  11. VP Finance – Nancy Douty
    1. $5693.32 – $41.50 for pizza
    2. Locked out of PayPal – password no long works
    3. David to deal with getting that reset
    4. Picking up mail every two weeks.
    5. Got the checking and credit card accounts combined
    6. David setup the credit card to fully pay
    7. David to take care of paying it online
  12. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Waterlog – Brian Vogt
      1. Not present
    2. River Watch – Chris Herman
      1. Not present
    3. Safety and Education – Brenan Filippini
      1. Jason to take over
      2. Do the normal 1 day club sponsored and maybe a couple 2 days not sponsored, but get discount.
      3. Mary has a CPR trainer that can do the class for free
        1. need to pay for the cards
        2. Does the club cover the costs? Yes
        3. 15-20 per class
        4. Have the dummies, need some space. Would take about 4 hours.
        5. Randy’s hanger in Auburn is an option, as well as Jason’s garage in Woodinville
        6. Need to know how the space is setup
        7. Start with a leader article with a deadline for interest (get in by 20th for February Waterlog), work with Adam to communicate (goal to do it in the next couple months)
        8. Non-members okay if they pay the fee – no, charge them $30 for a membership
      4. $1600 is the budget
      5. No longer calling it swift water training or whiter water rescue technician (not to be confused with guide certification), instead whitewater safety training
    4. Communications – Adam Schierenbeck
      1. Flip practice changed from 4/20 to 4/27 because of Easter
      2. Any concerns of water level this weekend on the Tilton? – yes, looking at alternates but the meet time and location will not change.
      3. Do we communicate all locations (website, website forums, waterlog, Facebook, and Yahoo groups)? – yes, need to keep them all in sync
      4. Brenan: The poker run date is not on the website, David will update it now that we have the campsite.
    5. Membership – Mary Koncikowski
      1. Nothing new, just cooking a new member
    6. Programs/Volunteers – Jim Johnson
      1. Jim: Is David the contact for the flip practice? Adam will change it to Jim, just get the info from contact info.
    7. WRRR Wear – Nate Dickison
      1. Need to pick up the gear from Nancy still.
      2. Nancy will just bring it to the next event (Cleanup)
      3. Costco stuff – no profit donation / sponsorship
      4. Hydro-flasks
        1. Send info to Nate
      5. Stickers – budget for about $100
        1. Get it for flip practice or at latest green river cleanup
      6. Need to do inventory on the half synthetic shirts, but haven’t really been to any events yet – just the gear swap
  13. Old Business
    1. January membership roundup
      1. Everything went well, good turnout.
    2. Tilton Trek status
      1. Thing still up in the air, the river fluctuates quite a bit. Upper is the backup, but meeting time (10am) and location doesn’t change
      2. David not planning to be there
    3. Green River Cleanup status
      1. See in river ops
    4. 2014 Budget
      1. Did we approve the budget? We went over it and there were no proposed changes.
      2. David motioned to approve, Nancy second. Approved.
    5. By-law changes
      1. Items include member conduct rules, webmaster position, paper requirements
      2. Draft proposal by end of February
      3. Introduce in April
      4. Vote at Wenatchee Rendezvous
  14. New Business
    1. Discuss budget – approve if possible (already done)
    2. Flip Practice discussion
      1. Do a BBQ like last year
      2. Need to double check that it is reserved
    3. Wenatchee Rendezvous discussion
      1. Anything we need to start discussing. The camping is reserved for the last day in May.
      2. Brenan: trying to streamline the events and setting up a river chair for each event. Still need volunteers for Wenatchee and Skagit (help out with communications) – Nate will help out with the Rendezvous
    4. Status for getting donations of prizes
      1. Nate working on it
      2. Mary will ask to see if she can get anything from her work.
      3. Try to get something from first aid. Offered Adventure Medical Kits to do an article but they never did, can offer again.
      4. Nancy has stitch kits from Mary (1 or 2 in the bag)
      5. Any prize requests?
      6. Nancy typed up a list from the gear swap and emailed it to the board, David to reply to the mail so it bumps up to the top.
      7. Costco has the waterproof Bluetooth speakers for $80 that will probably go first. Also have had the pelican case type for $30.
    5. Status of safety class planning
      1. Nothing new (see above)
  15. Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
    1. Pre-clean
    2. CPR
  16. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Brenan: how is the phone in working – so far so good except for those that are late (Jim can’t find the agenda)
    2. David will send out the minutes
    3. April will be the next physical meeting, where do we want to have it?
    4. Concerns about doing the phone call in the Renton Roundtable, Jim to try and get the room at Bogart’s for 4/9/2013
    5. David is putting an article together about Ecuador with pictures
  17. Adjourn @ 7:59

New WRRR forums

Not a fan of Facebook? Tired of the ads on the Yahoo list that doesn’t always work? We have a new forum system that is owned and operated by WRRR! You can find them by using the “Community” menu above, or by going to

News Uncategorized

Sauk River Gauges

Over the past couple of years, two new gauges have been added to the Sauk River drainage – one at Darrington and one on the Suiattle.

You can find out about all of the Sauk River area gauges by clicking here.

In the future, you will still be able to find this page by going to the River Info menu.


Revised By-Laws

On June 1, 2013, WRRR members voted to revise the club by-laws.

The revised by-laws are available at the page WRRR By-Laws, which can be reached from the About WRRR menu above.

News Trip Reports

Brenan’s Beta: Wenatchee (May 2013 Waterlog)


(This article was originally published in the May 2013 issue of The Waterlog)

This months’ Rapid segment focuses on the Wenatchee River. Most all the “tough” carnage happens at Boulder Bend. At high flows there are some nice hit and huge holes over on river center spread all the way across to river left. At far river left there is some pretty hairly “code red” in the form of logs and other junk that accumulates in high water. Most paddle rafts get wiped out in the Geary Hole (River Center) and end up having a very long swim, get pushed over river left, and get thrashed. For me, I have a nice Green Highway on river right that I prefer to use. To enter the highway I take my exit right after the hwy 2 bridge at the Bent tree on river left. That is my cue to start working right. With a nice easy forward paddle, we end up about 40 feet off the river right bank at the start of the 120 degree turn. Once there it’s an easy shot around the bend and we find a few of the larger holes and cut back river center right after the huge rock(river center/ rapid center). There’s some nice ledge waves to hit and usually gets everyone on the paddle team fired up for the rest of the river.

I’ve seen lots of carnage and boats rolled up after this rapid. The most spectacular is engraved in my mind though. Everytime I run the rapid I chuckle a little. I had just made my way back into the center of the river to hit all the big wave trains at the bottom left, looked back to see an empty boat. I quickly blew the whistle and got our boat ready to go pickup and assist the swimmers. With my paddlers ready to receive, I took a quick glance back to make sure we were on the right track and WTH, they were all back in the boat. What had been maybe 10 seconds, Koker had climbed back in the raft and already had 4 paddlers in the boat. In the next 2 paddles strokes we took heading his way, he had grabbed them all. Cool I thought, gave him the OK, got one back and we turned around to go finish out the rapid. What must have been 20 seconds later I looked back to check on the other rafts to see the most spectacular swiftwater dive ever. He was full on horizontal like a little missle wearing a PFD. Not knowing what was going on, I started to worry. Back to rescue mode. I thought maybe he was missing someone underwater? What could he be doing? His crew which was having a tough time moving the boat at the beginning of the rapid was now looking like an all star paddle team even with their guide in mid air. Another whistle blow and by the time I turned around the guy was back in the guide seat guiding again!!! Lucky for me, He was after my favorite guide stick and he got it! Wow, I couldn’t stop laughing and wow.

I told the story the next day at my guide safety talk. I also colorfully describe my swims there, and that I really don’t mind it and kind of enjoy swimming the wenachee at most places. Wouldn’t ya know it, they were paddling like banchees through Boulder Bend………..

In conclusion any description wouldn’t be complete without my favorite places to get paddlers wet. Right after the Dam is probably my favorite spot on the Wenachee. Most call it Upper and Lower Gorilla falls, but I call it the Gopher Holes. Reason: If you see a hole, you go fer it. The best one for our Aire raft is River Center Left right under the bridge. This thing hits hard and usually sends me up to the front of the raft. After getting rocked around we get our raft drifting to the outside of the river to line up for some other big holes on river right at the outside of the bend. Whether you like running big or conservative there’s a line for you on the Wenatchee.

Here’s to having some fun in the sun this summer!!!!!


Perhaps the most ill conceived trip of my long whitewater career was on the Wenatchee. It was 1988 and I was 30. I had recently gotten my first IK and run the usual class 3-4 rivers on the west side for a year or 2. I had rafted and canoed before getting the IK. One fine hot spring day, my river buddy and I both had the day off. Everything on the west side of the mountains was running too high. So my buddy says, “let’s go do the Wenatchee.” I said, “it’s running 21,000 and he replied, “yeah but it’s the Wenatchee – like it was no big deal. So we went, mid week, 2 IKs, no one else on the river. The boat ramp and the parking lot were under water, and it was mostly up the front steps of the house next door. Maybe I shouldn’t even be writing this cause I honestly don’t remember very much about the run, but it WAS memorable.

Lack of visibility is what I remember most, due to the huge waves. I knew if I lost hold of my paddle, I probably wouldn’t find it again, and I didn’t have a spare. So I tied it to my boat with some line that I figured I could break, if needed. I only took 1 swim that day and it was in Rock ‘n Roll. I self rescued very quickly without having to worry about holding onto the paddle. Now the yarn spinner in me would love to tell you how the string broke, I lost my paddle and hand paddled through Gorilla and Drunkard’s Drop. But it didn’t, and the next thing I remember was going into Snowblind. We planned to run down the left side but somehow there was a monstrous hole that we hadn’t counted on, so I ruddered just a tad-I thought. The entrance current grabbed my boat and surfed it 30’ sideways in a heartbeat and I was going down the middle. I remember paddling, as hard as I could, into a trough and craning my neck to see the crest of the next wave. I swear it was like looking up at a 3 story building, and knowing you had to paddle over it. Quite a rush when I caught air at the top. I saw my Buddy for an instant 2 waves down, turned sideways. I thought, “don’t swim here.” Then I remember thinking, “I hope I don’t hit Suffocator”, cause I had little clue where I was in relation to the banks or anything else. And maneuvering was really not an option, without being able to see. I was in a canyon of waves with no sight of anything but what was in my immediate vicinity. I knew the rapid would end and I had a hell of a ride. We took out at Monitor because we thought the park take out would be hard to catch. We ended up paddling between the cottonwoods, but at least there wasn’t too much current. When we got off the river, I knew that I would not do that again, and it was one hell of a ride.

     -Chris Herman

Boulder Bend: To make it through without any terror, hug the right shore. As you move left you increase the possible terror factor. There is a nice hole near the beginning and center right. At higher levels it can keep you and even flip you if you are not on your game.

Rock & Roll:The current is trying to pull you into Satan’s Eyeball. That is not advised. As you enter the rapid you will probably pass right of an exposed rock. Immediately start pulling left. The current will have other ideas. If all goes well you pass the eyeball on the left, hopefully far enough for comfort. Take a good look at what you avoided. If that is not possible to stay left, try to get right of the eyeball. After that, enjoy the waves but make sure to miss Satan’s Asshole center left near the end of the wave train.

The Dam: Stay left approaching the dam. Look for the sloping boulders. Don’t go too soon or you will be at the concrete part of the dam and will probably die. As soon as you can push over the boulders without hitting wood, do it. Make sure you don’t wait too long or you could go over the high steep part with unknown results. Once over the drop, enjoy the hydraulics and avoid the few (very few) rocks.

Snowblind: Some people say the left side is easiest. Others say the right side is easiest. Still others say the right side is a guaranteed flip. I just head into the middle and push like hell as I hit the holes.

      -Ken Gersten


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You could be the next WRRR President!

The WRRR Board of Directors is looking for people who want to become club officers in the future. In order to make this possible, we need people to join the Board as Directors-At-Large and learn the procedures. Many of the current board members have been on the board for years, and we can’t just keep going back to the old board members to keep things going. If you have enjoyed being a WRRR member, consider becoming part of the board.