April 1st, 2023 – 3rd Nisqually Cleanup and Rowers Progression @ McKenna Boat Ramp

Rowers progression and clean up!

The 4th “now annual” Nisqually River is a fun run with a long season. WRRR and other paddling groups will help clean up the Nisqually.  We will do a rower’s progression during the event with the goal of “stopping anywhere” and superior boat control.

The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 6, 2023 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what has become an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Jackson Kayak, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

Limited camping is available for WRRR members at Miller/Sylvania State park.  Contact Rebecca Post for more details.  There may not be room for non wrrr members.   If we can accomodate you we ask for $10 per person per night

Info and Sign up here:



Link info pasted:

The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 1, 2023 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our fourth year of  what we hope will be an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

By undertaking this Event, we hope to (a) heighten awareness and appreciation of the Nisqually River; (b) celebrate the river’s unique attributes; (c) foster stewardship of the river; and (d) promote the Nisqually River Water Trail Plan and Recommendations. To learn more about the Nisqually River Water Trail click here.

Where Will the Cleanup Be Held?

We will be primarily cleaning up two sections of the Nisqually River: 1) McKenna Park to Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant) – Class II-III – 9 miles; and 2) Nisqually Park to the 6th Avenue S.E. WDFW Water Access Site – Class I-II – 8 miles. There may be wood or other hazards on both sections of the river.

You can view a map of each section of the Nisqually River prepared by the Nisqually River Council by clicking here:  Map 1  Map 2

What Volunteers are Needed and What Must I do to Join this Event?

We need volunteers to boat the river and to help on land at our water access sites.

All volunteers must register here, check-in on the day of the Event, and agree to a Waiver and Release of Liability to participate in this Event.  This includes boaters who have signed up for a trip being sponsored by WKC, WRRR, PTCC, or another club or organization in conjunction with this Event and those helping out on land.

Minors are welcome, provided their parent or guardian sign their Waiver and Release of Liability and they are accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult. To ensure that is the case, we ask that the adult register first, create a team, and then invite the minors whom the adult will be supervising to register as part of his or her team. You can view the waiver forms by clicking here:  Adult Waiver; Minor Waiver.

If more than one volunteer will be in a raft or other watercraft, they should register as a team (the first volunteer to register will create the team and invite the other volunteers to register as a member of the team).

Safety First!

We will take a moment to talk about safety before volunteers launch their watercraft or collect, haul, or sort garbage and recyclables.  No volunteer should consume alcohol or drugs before or during this Event.  Volunteers who wish to consume alcohol after this Event should only do so where it is legally permitted. No volunteer may participate in this Event under the influence of alcohol or drugs. During this Event, volunteers must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. To view a copy of our Safety and Risk Management Plan click here. To view our Volunteer Safety and Trash Collection Guidelines, click here.


We will be following all Center for Disease Control (CDC), Washington State, and Thurston County COVID-19 requirements governing outdoor, recreational events, including those pertaining to masks and social distancing. We strongly recommend that on the morning of the Nisqually River Cleanup, before arriving for this Event, each registrant use the CDC’s Isolation and Exposure Calculator. This is a tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19. Please stay home if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms or have recently tested positive or been exposed to someone who has.

If you are not fully vaccinated, you should plan on making your own shuttle arrangements in advance prior to arriving at this Event.

What are the Other Requirements to Boat the River?

Volunteers who wish to boat the river must:

(a) check in with designated trip leaders before launching and after reaching the take-out;

(b) have the requisite skills to safely boat the river;

(c) be properly clothed for cold water immersion and be prepared to get wet, flip over, or go into the water;

(d) wear a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket and, for those  kayakers boating Class II and III sections of the river, a paddling helmet;

(e) bring their own suitable watercraft with appropriate flotation;

(f) boat as a group and not alone; and

(g) follow all safety instructions from trip leader, safety, and sweep boaters.

Boaters should choose the section of the river they want to clean up when registering, taking into account their skill level and the difficulty and hazards they are likely to encounter. Those boaters who are participating in this Event as members of WRRR, WKC or PTCC or another club or organization should follow the instructions of their Trip Leaders as to where and when to meet. Other boaters should plan to meet at the takeout for the section of the river they plan to boat, where we will organize shuttles to the launch site. Please arrive early enough so that you can check in, sign any necessary waivers, gear up, and be ready to shuttle by 10:00 A.M. Remember to bring water, lunch and other food to get you through the day.

We Also Need Volunteers to Help on Land at Each Water Access Site

To make this Event a success, we need volunteers to help on land. Volunteers are needed at McKenna Park and Nisqually Park .

We’ll need help with event setup, registration and check-in, hauling items we collect from boats to drop boxes at each of the take outs, sorting recyclables from garbage, photography and event cleanup. We will contact you the week prior to this Event and tell you where to meet and when.

All volunteers who plan to help at our water access sites should wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy shoes and bring rain gear and work gloves. We also suggest that you bring water, lunch and whatever other food you need to get through the day.

After Event Celebration and BBQ

We hope to host a BBQ at McKenna Park starting at 3:30 for those volunteers who register in advance and indicate when they register that they plan to attend the BBQ. If the CDC COVID-19 Community Level in Thurston County is Moderate or High, we may cancel the BBQ but will notify registrants by email should this occur.

Advance Registration is Helpful and Encouraged.

We ask that you register in advance where possible. This will ensure that we have sufficient personnel and resources to make this Event a success.

Online registration will close on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. Volunteers who are unable to register in advance may register on the day of this Event between 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. at McKenna and Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant)..


What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from this Event?

All volunteers are encouraged to carpool to the Nisqually River Cleanup. Free parking is available at both McKenna Park and Nisqually Park. A Discover Pass or WDFW Vehicle Access Pass is required to park your vehicle at the 6th Avenue SE Water Access Site. We will organize shuttles for those boating the river who are fully vaccinated and wearing masks. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should make your own shuttle arrangements in advance, before arriving at this Event.

How do I find directions to the water access sites that we’ll be using for this Event?

We will email you directions to each of the sites.

Can I update or cancel my registration?

You can update or cancel your registration online until registration closes on March 31, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. You can also update your registration in person on the day of this Event at McKenna and Nisqually Park between 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. If you want to cancel your registration after registration closes, please email us at NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com. We ask all those who register to cancel their registration if they will not be joining us.

Can I get a ride on someone else’s raft or watercraft?  

No, unless you have made such arrangements in advance with another volunteer or through one of the Clubs or other organizations participating in the Event and have registered as part of a team.

What if it rains or the water level is too high or low on the day of the Event?

We plan to proceed with the cleanup regardless of rain, as long as the river is not flooding or too low and is safely navigable. We will notify those who register in advance by email if we find it necessary to cancel this Event because of safety or other concerns. We will also post signs at McKenna and Nisqually Parks should this Event be cancelled.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

If you have questions, please email NisquallyRiverCleanup@gmail.com

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About the organizer

Organized by

Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners & Paddle Trail Canoe Club


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              With the help and support of the following organizations and numerous other partners.

October 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order (7:15 pm 10/10/2023) In attendance Tamie, Randy, Mark, Nancy, Brenan, Erik, Duane, Jarrad, Jay, Repo
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 140 members (139 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Posted pictures of frames to auction. $250 to donate. Zero bids thus far. Article in waterlog.
    1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Posted pictures of frames
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report.
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini – Mark, Karie and Jarrad worked on a request for proposal to advertise for a webmaster. Possibly need to do a fundraiser? Budget for new website? How do we move forward? No Club Express!
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Nothing to report.
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – Nothing to report
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – Did not pick up mail. Looking for bill for the Tieton toilets.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – $600 cash, plus 2 $40 Paypal, and a $30 check coming in. Another $100 still with the shirts.
    9. Finance – Brenan:    When the new website or agenda is edited we should add a Finance report each month?
      1. Bank Balance:  $6,867.91, Paypal Balance asset $532.57, Cash in B’s office safe $1,198, Checks to cash in B’s hand $30.00, Checks to cash in Mailbox ?  Don Martin?
        1. Total assets $8,628.42.
        2. There may be some small Credit card charges.
        3.  (We owe for Tieton toilets probably $500-550).
        4. Except for any T-shirt or website work, I don’t expect too much more debits thru 2023’s end.  Estimate end of year balance at $7-8k +/-
      2. Did an audit on the books.   Things seem good but several cells in the discrepancy column are incorrect, usually backwards.  We haven’t utilized this for the past couple years and suggest the next treasurer updates as they see fit.
      3. Onedrive finance tab, I Left notes for “new members” that signed up and did not pay are left in the spreadsheet (on the member income tab.
    10. River Ops – Bob Johnson Memorial Wenatchee run (6/1/2024). 3 Toilets – we have a credit for one toilet. Randy stated that Leavenworth would provide 2 toilets at the put-in, so WRRR will not have to pay for a toilet there.
  6. Events
    1. Tieton Rally (9/16/2023) Potluck was successful! Jarrad got banners made up for the potluck. Jay suggested that we have a membership table set up for people to join at the potluck. Members supplied generators for the bands. Had say in when the bands quit playing. Successful weekend!
    2. Motion made for new banner – “WRRR Potluck” with time/dates blank so we can change dates. Budget of $200. Approved.
    3. Rogue roundup (9/17/2023) Trip was great, total 9 people 6 days.  Brenan hiked most the trail but couldn’t complete it haha!
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023) Facebook posts for the gear swap. Pizza will be provided. At Burn’s house from 11:00am – 5:00pm
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023) – Still on. Pray for Rain.
    6. Misc River Ops – Repo was contacted by Greg regarding the Nisqually River Cleanup. Proposed April 6, 2024.
    7. Dates for the White Salmon? Brenan to contact for camping.
  7. Old Business
    1. Ballot should have been submitted by October 1. No new volunteers! VP’s stay as is. Directors at Large – need 2 more!
  8. New Business
    1. Appoint Elections Committee (any current member not running for office)
    2. New Website
      1. How to handle member database and renewals?
      2. Good timing! 🙂
    3. OK to move board meetings to Tuesdays?  Brenan has upcoming conflicts on Wednesday and Friday Evenings.   Thanks to all that have offered to change dates. November 14th in person meeting. Claim Jumpers for 10-15 people.
    4. 2024 dates are in calendar.   White Salmon and Nisqually are pending awaiting dates and info.
    5. Green River Cleanup meeting at Mark Burns house 11/9/2023 @ 7:00pm. Something special for the 40th annual cleanup. Saturday May 4, 2023 40th Annual Cleanup. T-shirt sales?
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 10/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
    2. New Years Hangover Float
    3. January Membership meeting announcement
    4. Tilton Trek teaser
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn

September 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 139 members (149 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run roundup (8/12/2023)
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/9/2023)
    3. Rogue status (9/17/2023)
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023)
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023)
    6. Misc River Ops
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1)
  8. New Business
    1. Determine location of October board meeting
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
    2. None
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn

September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order  (7:06 pm 9/13/2023) In attendance Repo, Randy, Duane, Nancy, Mark, Jarrad
  2. Review minutes and approve
  3. Review agenda
    1. Repo to add Web Master to Old Business
  4. 139 members (149 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca still hasn’t posted photos of raft frame for auction. Will do the end of September.  The other frame received a $250 donation for DEI.
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – Nothing to report
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini not present.  Mark mentioned that he posts to the FaceBook(FB) page prior to upcoming events.  Randy wants to have this blurb emailed out to non-FB users.  No one on the call knows how to send a membership wide email.  Mark to check with Karie.  once its figured out Mark should send his blurb to the Comms Committee and they should send it out.
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Not present, no report.  She needs to bring membership forms to the Tieton
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – not present, no report
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – three items in the mailbox and she will bring to Tieton to hand over to appropriate folks – membership renewal, AW Journal
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post- we took in about $700 in WRRR wear sales at the Poker Run
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run roundup (8/26/2023) Brenan not present so not report on number of poker hands sold.  Two stations were moved and that seems like a good idea.
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/9/2023) – Potluck 6pm.  Mark posted on FB that potluck is at 6 pm.  He also mentioned that outfitters and a few WRRR members are supporting a live music party Sat.  The issue of late night noise has been addressed and hopefully will not be an issue.  The new signs look great.  Repo to bring over five WRRR stickers for the toilets.
    3. Rogue status (9/26/2023) Brenan not present so no report.  The trip is launching 9/26 and people have signed up.
    4. Gear Swap status (10/14/2023) Mark reports everything is a go.  Mark and Jarrad will communicate about glue and solvents.
    5. Sauktoberfest status (10/21/2023) Brenan not present, no report.  Trip should be a go
    6. Misc River Ops – Randy brought up the toilets at the Leavenworth put in.  He contacted Leavenworth Rec Department and they told him that the city supplies the toilet there.  He wants to know why they cannot supply two toilets.  Repo thinks toilets are a great thing for WRRR to support.  Randy is thinking about saving money because next year we will have toilets and the Dryden facility to rent.  He will check with Leavenworth Rec Dept to see if they can get two toilets at the put in.
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1) – Repo – There has been zero interest in anyone volunteering or showing a willingness to help out on the board.  ZERO.  That’s a bit frustrating
    2. Webmaster – Repo relayed the problems with publishing the newsletter and her request to David for assistance.  He very promptly helped out but added to his message that he has retired form Webmaster duties, he will be retiring from his job soon and will soon no longer be able to help out with the  website.  The board needs to replace him.  The board discussed the state of the current website and the number of bad links and old photos.  Repo mentioned WKC and Paddle Trails use Club Express but no without problems.  Jarred stated that pushing out a newsletter to 150 people, updating a calendar and updating committee members should be simple.  Jarred has worked with several people who know Word Press. Repo suggested that we just hire someone to develop a new website from scratch.  Mark made the motion to hire a person to develop a new website structure.  Nancy Seconded.  Motion passed.  Jarred will look into the availability of his contact.
  8. New Business
    1. October board meeting will be by phone since Randy and Repo will be on the road.  November meeting will be in person.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles.  Jarred wants to start a New Member Spotlight.   Repo suggested that the VP Finance send Jarrad an email with new member names and email address.  Jarred can then contact the new members to get info for an article.
  10. Announcements and good of the order – none
  11. Adjourn 8:14 pm

Safety Code of Conduct

This weekend, I am reminded to keep your eyes on your POD, and continue to keep the safety of your group and others at the paramount.   We had some swimmers this weekend, that would have been in trouble if other members hadn’t reacted quickly.

Here is the American Whitewater code of conduct.  Please take a few minutes a year to reread and make sure you are an asset on the river.


Safety Scholarships

WRRR has safety scholarship money available! WRRR will pay up to 1/3 of tuition costs for river-related safety classes for our members. NOTE: Classes required for professional guide training are not covered by the scholarship fund.

How can you get in on this action?

  • Be a WRRR member
  • Email or tell a Board member what class you want to take in order to get pre-approved – please allow at least two weeks for approval
  • Attend and complete/pass course
  • Send/give your receipt for reimbursement along with an article about your experience to the Board

Remember these are first come first serve funds, so don’t delay.

Legalities of Risk and Rafting

WRRR member Mark Trivett has an article in Rafting Magazine about the risks and responsibilities of taking your friends down the river. It’s a great read.

To read the article, click here.

Inflatable Kayaking Self Rescue Hints

I was going to write a really long article about IK self rescue, but there was just so much to say and it might be boring to a lot of people, so I decided to just give a couple of hints.

I have flipped a lot over the years, and I am not a nimble, athletic person. Getting back in the IK is hard for me, but I have found some things that help.

The main thing I do is to not let go of my boat and paddle. There are two parts to this. First, my thigh straps and footbrace lock me into the boat well enough that when I flip over, I am still in the boat. I have to flex my feet to release them from the footbrace, which allows my legs to come out. Second, when I come out of the boat, I grab my thigh strap in my right hand and hold my paddle in my left. When I come up, I am still holding my boat. I can almost always grab the far thigh strap under the boat, pull with one hand, and push the near tube up with the other. This flips the boat back over quickly, and I’m still holding onto it.

The other thing I do is to practice in rapids. Practicing in flatwater will help you learn some techniques, but flipping in a rapid will teach you how to get in fast and do it right. If you can self-rescue in a class III rapid, you are much more likely to be able to self-rescue in tougher rapids.

In the end, if you have confidence that you can get back in your boat, you can run more challenging whitewater or you can have more fun goofing around on the easier rapids.

Green River Safety Map

Brenan has put together a great map showing Mercury, the Nozzle, and Let’s Make a Deal. This should help people run this section of the Green Gorge without some of the problems we’ve seen in the past. See you on the river!

PDF: Green River Mercury Nozzle Safety Eddy Map

Here’s a screen capture of the map for people having problems with the PDF. Click the image to enlarge.