Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:03pm Nancy, Brenan, Repo, Tamie, Randy, Karie
  2. Review minutes and approve: Approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 136 members (152 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan: Have not received feedback from DE&I event
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post: Cyspus run – same day as gear swap and water level low
      1. Tamie – will go up to Sauk to verify if car is gone
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post: Repo to schedule CPR class
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini: mostly on auto-pilot.  started posting 2023 events.  If you have a chance review info.
      1. receiving about 10% response back to roster request.  Need help getting responses and then creating roster. Need to remove contact info for people who do not want info shared and remove membership date info from all.  May look at adding language and checkbox to membership & renewal forms.
      2. Meeting with Bob Sawhill next week or two to discuss updating calendar and events
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: Nothing new
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: No updates
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy – two renewals.  will deposit check tomorrow.
      1. Notice from Secretory of State saying delinquent.  Brenan has picture of check and picture of him posting it to mailbox.  not trusting mail or Olympia to process it in time.  Check has cleared but State has not updated status yet.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post: Tamie has $130.  long sleeve Ts sold best.  may be near bottom of pile for long-sleeves.  Request for anything but pink in 50/50 neon. Tamie to send Nancy size needs.  100% poly and sizes.
  6. Events
    1. Tieton Rally status (9/10/2022): It happened.  Laurie made hashbrowns, Brenan brought a rotten peach and half orange.  May need to either advertise better or delete line about potluck.  Maybe delete line from article and then see if anyone notices.  Wasps bad.  Next year get/make wasp traps.  Maybe something nice to add to ops bin and bring to different events.
    2. Rogue or Lower Salmon status (9/18/2022):  Both Rogue and Lower Salmon on fire.  Brenan will update article/calendar
    3. Gear Swap (10/15/2022) – Burns residence. Afternoon event. Pizza.  Use glue from last year.
    4. Sauktoberfest status (10/22/2022): alive and kicking, Brenan & Kim hosting event, planning on having a shindig probably at house possibly at Rockport.
    5. Misc River Ops: River Ops team is on vacation until elections.
      1. Brenan: Vote to increase Poker Run budget to $1050.  Repo seconds.  all approve.
      2. Randy – Brenan to also pay extra for Wenatchee porta-potties.
  7. Old Business
    1. Nominating committee status (ballot due by October 1)
      1. Kevin Como may be intersted
      2. Mark Burns interested
      3. Bob Sawhill – but need to be a member for 8 months.  need to check dates.  may be able to make exception if needed.
        1. Brenan 1st motion to allow anyone join board if member by Gear Swap. – motion tabled
        2. Brenan 2nd motion to approve an exception for Bob to join board without 1 year member.  Repo second.  All approve.
      4. Paul Sestak
  8. New Business
    1. Determine location of October board meeting
      1. Nancy to see if Claim Jumper in Lynnwood has a meeting space we could use for Oct meeting.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 9/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. Gear Swap, Election, New Years Float
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Nancy – Tieton River Flow info – WRRR info comes up with google search.  shows 2019.  Karie updated date on article to today.
    2. Brenan – Member intoxicated and out of control.  Note in membership database.  Send written warning recommend treatment.  Firearm, Drunk Driving, Assault
  11. Adjourn 8:16pm

Tieton River Flow Information

Most of the year, the lower Yakima River is fed by snowmelt and the reservoirs on the Cle Elum, Yakima, and Bumping Rivers. The reservoir releases keep the river levels high during the growing season for the lower Yakima Valley. In late August, salmon begin to spawn in the upper reaches of the Yakima River basin. If the dam releases continued, the fish would lay their eggs in places that would dry up in winter. To encourage the fish to lay eggs in better areas, the dam releases from the higher reservoirs are lowered, and the Tieton is used to provide water for the farms. This known as the flip-flop.

Starting in late August, the Tieton flow starts ramping up, and by Labor Day weekend, there is enough water for kayaks and small rafts. The flows continue to ramp up until the middle of the month, and then begin to fall. Boatable flows can go into early October. There are fluctuations due to need, so you can’t count on this pattern, but it has been pretty consistent in the last couple of decades.

The most up to date gauge for the Tieton can be found here: Rimrock Release

The main page for the Yakima Valley is here: Yakima Project Hydromet Project Gauges

This page has more information, but it is not up to date. The flows are an average of the flow for the 24-hour period before the graph was made, and it is only made once a day. This can mean that the page shows a significantly higher or lower flow than the actual flow.

The notes page, which contains information on planned changes to the flows, is here: Yakima Project Hydromet Status Report

You can call the ranger station or the dam, and they will happily tell you the same thing that the notes page says.

Some notes on the Tieton:

  • Camping is a free-for-all. WRRR has a traditional area, but we don’t own it, so don’t expect privacy or exclusivity.
  • When picking a camp site, ask around to find out how noisy people expect to be. A number of groups like to party all night long.
  • WRRR provides outhouses and a dumpster. Take your recyclables home, and help us keep the area and the outhouses clean.
  • You need a Discover Pass for the takeout parking.
  • At the takeout, get your boat off the river and out of the way as soon as possible. Be considerate of other boaters.
  • It is worth the trouble to go to an upper put-in at least once. The extra couple of miles of whitewater is great!
  • The rebar was removed from the dam years ago, so it isn’t going to rip your boat. However, the right side of the dam is higher and steeper and more dangerous. Your best run is just left of center. Run far left if you like slamming into walls and flipping.
  • The rapids are class III, but the run is harder than class III. Always wear a PFD and please wear a helmet.
  • Make sure to smile when RiverBooty takes your picture at High Noon and Waffle Wall.
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:04 pm Repo, Nancy, Brenan, Karie, Erik, Randy
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 152 members (148 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan: info posted on website for Sept 11 event – looking for loaner kayaks.  Contacts are on calendar.
      1. Brenan to find out how last event went
      2. Brenan to see if they still need help
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post: Some email traffic regarding Cispus take out.  starting construction soon.  picnic shelter built
      1. fill out Skagit survey
      2. Bedell section of Sauk – need to reach out to Turnbull to see if it is still clear
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post: Repo to setup CPR class for this fall.
      1. look at using Wet Planet for class again.  May want to look into who else is already holding classes and remind people about scholarship.  Hold class every 4 years and then remind people about scholarship on off years.
      2. scholarship information listed on website: River Info>River Safety, link to scholarship information at bottom of page:
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini: mostly staying current with updates.  Only pending things is Bob possibly helping with IT/website.
      1. Asking people if we can share their info in the roster.  Need to opt in, may be able to add it to the renewal/new registration
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: on the river
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: prize shopping went well.  small hiccup with credit card
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy: 1 renewal, check deposited.
      1. PO Box paid through 5/29/2025
      2. State paid – need to verify receipt
      3. Do we need to have a general membership meeting at the Tieton?  Skagit was the 3rd quarter meeting
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post: New WRRR gear delivered and items sold.  New rainbow hoodies and long sleeve shirts.
  6. Events
    1. Poker Run status (8/6/2022): Nancy – sold 170 hands, collected dues, 1 person paid for camping.  Nancy used that to pay 1st prize and low hand.  Funds also used to reimburse White Salmon camping.  Cash deposited.
      1. One new member not informed about put in times and possible shuttle times.  Times are published. It is a game of skill.  Missed shuttles and missed cards part of the game.
      2. Taco bar was successful
      3. Kim Turnbull helped at registration table
      4. Todd & Kim Turnbull helped with calling the cards
      5. Need additional stamp cards for next year.
      6. 2023 – Rockport closed, State park near Mt Vernon.  Howard Miller? Winery? Little cabins?
        1. Newhalem group does not have enough parking
        2. Can add/remove days as long as you don’t change first date.  Have to have someone there every day reserved.
        3. will try for 21th at Goodell Group Camp
        4. if not successful, then explore other options.
    2. Tieton Rally status (9/10/2022): Mike Curtis posted about dumpsters, very good post.
      1. Portos – to reserve 5, 3 to WRRR, 2 by BWD.  In past, some others have contributed to cost.
      2. will do assessment on straw/gravel need.
    3. Rogue or Lower Salmon status (9/18/2022): Trip not currently planned.  No one pulled a permit.  Brenan has another commitment. May look to see if someone else can lead a trip.  Might be a wing it year.
      1. do we need a com saying a not happening this year? possibly not needed.  Gear swap and Tieton are only upcoming events.   Neither are currently on waterlog calendar but are on website calendar.
    4. Sauktoberfest planning (10/22/2022): Not required
    5. Misc River Ops
      1. Need to pay Wenatchee 3rd month bill for portos.  Brenan has reached out
      2. Gear swap – 10/15/2022 @Burns
      3. new member curious if WRRR interested in taking special needs kids boating, will refer to Wild & Scenic institute who already has program.
  7. Old Business
    1. None
  8. New Business
    1. Order portapotties to be at Tieton before Labor Day weekend
    2. VP Finance – provide printed copies of Event report (Benefactors/Sustaining/Members) to Poker Station 1
    3. Appoint Nominating Committee (any current club member): Repo, Brenan, & Karie to be on committee,
      1. Need to fill Paul’s position.
      2. Need to have in place by gear swap.
      3. Go over elections procedures
      4. Provide list of eligible candidates
        1. Repo currently president, so happy to keep role
        2. Brenan – VP finance – good, unless volunteer
        3. Karie – VP business – Body to replace, Mark could become VP Business or director
        4. Randy – Ops – willing to do again
        5. Nancy
        6. Tamie- possible for VP bus
        7. Erik – possible for VP bus
        8. committee to reach to Paul Sestak, Bob – if eligible, Jared K., Nate D., Mark B
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 8/20: If Sept 1 Waterlog not coming out, will it be issued later?
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. Programs – Gear Swap and Repair Clinic article
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Should WRRR make donation to Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue?
      1. All agree with giving donation.  Karie proposes $250 donation.  Repo makes motion for Nancy to send $250 to Lake Wenatchee Fire and Rescue in memory of Bill Henninger.  Brenan seconds.  All in favor.
    2. Repo has extra stuff to sell at Gear Swap.  Be there or be wet.
  11. Adjourn 8:24
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:06 Repo, Nancy, Brenan, Tamie, Erik, Karie
  2. Review minutes and approve – Approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 148 members (144 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan: Diversity whitewater has 2 events in Sept.  Brenan has been in contact with them.  Brenan – to post on FB, Calendar, and Waterlog
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post:
      1. Tammie: Sauk – Shane T opening up Bedal log jammed section and will post report.  Car still below Backman.
      2. Brenan: Cicpus project out to bid.  Putting in new parking lot with room for trailers
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post: Received positive feedback about Safety class.  Repo will look into scheduling CPR class in Fall
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini/Nancy: Posting DE&I events/info.  Happy to receive feedback about errors.
      1. New member interested in being more involved.  Can be involved in Committees.  Opportunity to help with website. Brenan to reach out to him.
      2. Need to look at who is in what DLs. Board, Board Members, Finance…
      3. Brenan – update Board contact page to send to updated Board Member address & board meeting minute language
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: Got out on Sauk with a new members.
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: Randy asking for more prizes for Poker run.  Tamie has big ticket prizes already. Motion passed to allow Erik to overspend
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Karie Burns
      1. Brenan renewed PO box 501 for 3 years
      2. Nancy will pick up key and start picking up mail
      3. Nancy will check if we can get back up key
    8. WRRR Wear – Tamie: Will bring WRRR wear to Skagit.  Need to restock on larger sweatshirts.
      1. Nancy will place order, 6 – XL, 5 – 2XL, 3 – 3XL. Tie Dye, Green lettering.  Go with Flow or Pray for Rain
      2. Hope before Poker Run but no guarantees.
  6. Events
    1. White Salmon Retreat status (7/9/2022) – Erik: Good time, only 14 people, good flows.  Brenan will reimburse Nancy for this year. Reserved for next year – waiting for confirmation.
    2. Poker Run status (8/6/2022) – Nancy & Randy 1 -Need 3rd person for station 1, Tamie 2, Duane & Rhino 3, Lance & Randy E 4, Mark & Karie 5.
      1. Brenan to print Benefactor and Member lists
      2. Will remember to schedule
    3. Tieton Rally planning (9/10/2022): Randy needs to schedule Porto-potties.  Brenan will send him an email.
      1. Will determine in late Aug/Sept if we need straw/gravel.  Karie to reach out to Mike C to check road conditions.
    4. Rogue or Lower Salmon planning (9/18/2022): Lack of permits.  usually start planning right about now
    5. Misc River Ops: Randy to coordinate Porto pickup from Wenatchee
  7. Old Business
    1. Need to update Wenatchee article about dam and cart.  Brenan has been updating website.
  8. New Business
    1. Discuss finding board members for next year – will see about Bob
    2. Charter renewal – Benan completing, due at end of Month
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 7/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Tieton Rally full article
    3. President – Article asking for new board members: Repo to get something to Brian by EOW.
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:10pm Brenan, Nancy, Karie, Randy, Tamie
  2. Review minutes and approve – approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 144 members (136 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – Diversity White water have 2 events in September.
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post.  Brenan – Cispus river project to redo Copper Creek takeout has been bid out.
      1. Jack’s pass open but bumpy.  plans to work on the road this summer
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post.  Rhino said it was valuable
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini – permissions updated.  Updating events.
      1. Nancy approached by company who does websites, Simple Biz who creates, hosts, and maintains websites
      2. Club Express is another vendor who may be able to host.
      3. To do: Nancy to reach out and get additional information
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Karie Burns – Karie to pick up tomorrow.  take pic of credit card statement and send to Brenan
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post. Tamie Stonke – Some Sales and Wenatchee.  some totes got wet, spent time drying shirts.
  6. Events
    1. Wenatchee Rendezvous status (6/4/2022) – done, not as well populated as last year, great water level.  Randy wanted to do new member introduction next year. Thanks to Betsy & Randy for pulling tickets, Laurie for selling tickets, and Thanks to Tamie for selling shirts
    2. White Salmon Retreat status (7/9/2022) – definitely a great campsite, restaurant nearby
    3. Poker Run planning (8/6/2022):
      1. Jason Cohen – Station
      2. Nancy & Randy – Station 1
      3. Tamie – Station
      4. Duane Hansen – Station
      5. Rhino – Station
      6. Mark & Karie – possible
      7. To Do: Brenan to give Nancy roster and benefactor list
      8. Tamie has Cards and stamps, banners, Station signs, prizes, and kitchen supplies
    4. Misc River Ops: Kitchen supplies updated
      1. Car still in Sauk
  7. Old Business
    1. None
  8. New Business
    1. Determine location of July board meeting – agree for Phone meetings for both July and August
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 6/20: Brian has been pretty on top of it
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles.
    2. VP River Ops – Poker Run full article
    3. VP River Ops – Tieton Rally teaser
  10. Announcements and good of the order
  11. Adjourn – 7:33pm
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

May 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 157 members (152 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – hooked up with Diversify Whitewater 501c3.  2 events which will be posted to site.  Lake and Lower sky, they will ask for help. we will help fund and they will take care of scholarships for us.  They will host fundraising event(s) in about 6 weeks from now.
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – Car in river in Sauk
    3. Safety and Education – Rebecca Post – made minimum number on safety class.  also opened to public to fill class.  Brenan paid invoice.  No CPR class yet, tabled till next month
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini – every time someone renews on paypal.  Brenan puts an easter egg in the comms.  accidentally put incorrect date in com which caused incorrect notice saying membership expired.  formatting issues and headaches.
      1. business card idea – needs to be revisited.  z-drag and whistle signal cards.  Randy to ping Eric.  Brenan to talk to Ed who made them last time.
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Joe Koncikowski
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – good sales at the Green Clean-up
  6. Events
    1. Flip Practice roundup (4/24/2022) – went well.  some new members.  Some old.  Burgers and bots.
    2. Green River Cleanup roundup (4/30/2022) 65 total volunteers 323 hours.  headworks to KP, KP to FG, FG to Whitney bridge.  Grounds crew at park.
      1. 4 vehicles in trails above Nozzle.
      2. May 6, 2023 next cleanup
      3. Camping requested for next
    3. Wenatchee Rendezvous status (6/4/2022).  Randy handling prizes and coordinating toilets. Randy to resend invoice to Brenan.  Prize budget needs to be reviewed to verify amount agreed upon.
    4. White Salmon Retreat planning (7/9/2022).  Campground is usually reserved for next year during the event.  Make sure Repo or Nancy reserves for next year.
    5. Sauk Overnighter – Brenan is out of town.  Needs trip leader.
    6. Poker Run – Jason Cohen runs a station for life
      1. make sure to reserve camping for following year
    7. Misc River Ops
  7. Old Business
    1. None
  8. New Business
    1. VP Finance – provide printed copies of Event report (Benefactors/Sustaining/Members) to raffle ticket sellers – Brenan is on it
    2. Review Waterlog ads and sponsors – Brenan to reach out to Richard G to add as sponsor, add to roster, ect.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 5/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of article
    2. VP River Ops – Sauk Overnighter full article
    3. VP River Ops – White Salmon full article
    4. VP River Ops – Poker Run teaser
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Brenan has the box
    2. Ike Kinswa – campground closed from 9.12.22 thru 6.30.23
  11. Adjourn 7:50pm

Tom Treves Memorial service

Kathy Treves is having a memorial celebration, service, music, and good food for Tom. She wants rafters from WRRR to go. It is Saturday, May 28,2022, 1:30pm at 24214 153rd Place SE Monroe, WA 98272.
Please let rafters who knew Tom know about the party.

-Dennis Bjork
It is with a heavy heart that the Treves family relays the passing of Tom Treves on May 28th, 2020. Tom died of a massive coronary as a result of hereditary heart disease.

Thomas Patrick Baptiste Treves was born June 18, 1945, to Robert Clement Treves and Mary Theresa (O’Connor) Treves in Detroit, Michigan. Tom moved to Ann Arbor in junior high where he met Kathleen Mary Lirette while attending Saint Thomas. Tom and Kathy were married in the summer of 1966 after Kathy completed her nursing degree. The two drove west for Tom to attend Saint Martin’s College in Lacey, Washington. It was at Saint Martin’s that Tom met many life-long friends, including several of the priests of the Abbey. Having made such strong connections and being offered a job as the Alumni and Development Director at Saint Martin’s they decided to stay in Washington and raise their growing family.

After leaving Saint Martin’s Tom created a successful career of nearly fifty years in the insurance and employee benefits industries. Tom invested in the lives of those he worked with, turning clients into friends. He worked with New York Life, Pacific Mutual, Johnson & Higgins, and Marsh McLennan before starting Treves & Company-Strategic Benefit Consulting. During his life, Tom was an active member of the President’s Club of Greater Seattle, a board member of Schick Shadel and an active supporter of Saint Martin’s University, the Millionaires Club, Junior Achievement, DECA and the Arts.

While he has many career accomplishments, he will be most remembered for his love and pride of family and his loving devotion to friends as well as his smile and laughter. He believed in lifelong learning and was quick to celebrate the academic and career accomplishments of those in his life. Many benefited from his leadership, his words of wisdom, sound advice, presentation skills, creative capacities and his ability to pull off big surprises. He worked hard – always building, maintaining, or improving on what was before him. And he played hard – he loved adventure, especially whitewater rafting. He loved family Thanksgiving trips, skiing, snowmobile trips, watching westerns, good books and a time-out.

Tom is survived by his wife Kathy, Children Kalise (Dave), Robert (Julie), Korri and grandchildren, Kaelyn (Patrick), Sarah (Chase), Aly, Kelly, Rachel, Hayden, Brody and his siblings Pam, Kathy, Jim, Robby (Tim), Joan (Chuck), Sister-in-law Angel (Barry) and several nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his father Robert, mother Mary, sister Susan and brothers Jerry and Barry.

A private family funeral was held in his honor at his home. A larger Celebration of Life and Memorial will be held for family and friends later this summer when the state once again allows large outdoor gatherings.
He will live on in the hearts of his family and friends forever.

Contributions can be made in Tom’s honor to the Father Kilian Scholarship Fund at
St. Martin’s University
Office of Institutional Advancement
Attention: Katie Wojke
5000 Abbey Way SE
Lacey, WA 98503
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Tom, please visit our Tree Store.
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:03pm Repo, Brenan, Nancy, Tamie, Randy, Karie
  2. Review minutes and approve – approved
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
    1. added old business to April Agenda
  4. 152 members (156 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan: Zoom meeting next Tuesday.  Diversify Whitewater has 2 events coming up this year.  Skykomish from Goldbar and another on a Lake
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post: No new reports
    3. Safety and Education – Paul: A couple of people signed up on the Nisqually.  Think we may have the minimum.  Brenan to repost the article to get more attention.
      1. Repo has not pursued CPR class yet.  Basic First Aid and CPR course listed for Jan 2020.
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini: Green River Cleanup site and info updated, except FB shows 2016.  when selected shows correct info
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: No updates
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: No updates
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Joe Koncikowski: Joe has not picked up mail.  Says he will bring Karie the key.
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post: Brenan looking into super shirts
  6. Events
    1. Flip Practice status (4/24/2022): Still a go.  Calendar shows KP, needs to be updated to Lake Ballinger.  Does Jim need anything?  Tamie will bring snacks from Nisqually clean-up
    2. Green River Cleanup status (4/30/2022): Still a go.  Camping Friday and Sat.  Thursday is not open for campers
    3. Wenatchee Rendezvous planning (6/4/2022): Portapotties ordered.  Randy to call and remind.  Will be there through July 6.
      1. Prizes – have budget $747, based on last year.  May be able to add additional funds.  will have to vote on it.  Community effort River Ops takes lead on it, usually ramps up after Green River Cleanup
    4. Misc River Ops
  7. Old Business
    1. Waterlog & Web Master search Committee: email sent out, not much response.  Brenan to reach back out to Pete.  Will try again.
  8. New Business
    1. Wenatchee Rendezvous General Membership meeting agenda – Repo: Add Waterlog and IT person, board members for 2023, Brenan to print out form to for sharing roster info
    2. Discuss what officer positions directors are interested in learning:  Tamie potential for VP Business.  Nancy for Communications
    3. Membership letter to members expired within 3 years:  Membership would send letter.  List of recent expired is small.  Some members who joined for Safety class may not renew.  May allow people to join just for class again this year if there aren’t enough people in the class.  Brenan to talk to Paul
    4. Nisqually wrap-up: Repo emailed to get volunteer numbers and garbage volumes for Waterlog article
      1. Brenan received $40 donation for camping at Nisqually.  4 people Friday plus kayakers and about 8 on Saturday.  Need to up the camping budget for next year to $450
      2. Charges on Credit card for snacks and camping.  Keep $100 budget for food (snacks, bbq)
      3. Prize budget for Nisqually?  may not do it next year.
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 4/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Wenatchee Rendezvous full article
    3. VP River Ops – Sauk Overnighter teaser
      1. Brenan will be out of town, need new leader.  Nancy to reach out to Jason C. to see if he can take it.
    4. VP River Ops – White Salmon teaser
    5. Repo – Nisqually cleanup wrap-up
    6. Randy – Add info about Tom’s memorial
    7. Reminder to proof read dates across all platforms (Website, FB, and Waterlog)
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. May 11th – Tamie, Repo, and Nancy on the John Day
      1. Brenan to lead meeting
  11. Adjourn 8:10
Club Events Community News

Rescue Class, May 21/22, 2022

WRRR is once again partnering with Wet Planet to
get a River Rescue Certification course on the Cedar
River May 21st & 22nd ‘22. The course cost is normally
$285, but WRRR is subsidizing the course so our members only pay $144.45. There was some confusion with
membership status’ last year, so this year we are tweaking it just a bit by asking applicants be in good standing
as of 11/1/2021 (roughly 6 months prior to beginning
of the class) to enroll in the course. There is a 12 student maximum limit.
To apply for the course send me, (Paul Rogers) an email
at I will then check your membership status and reply with the link to Wet Planet’s registration system. Wet Plant still has COVID-19 Safety
Protocols in place for all of its business.
This course will take your river rescue to a new level of
safety and understanding, the 2-day River Rescue Certification (RRC) course is a hands-on, scenario-based
rescue course designed specifically for whitewater
boaters: kayakers, rafters, cat boaters, SUP paddlers,
river boarders, and canoers. Students will receive internationally recognized certification through Sierra Rescue International. This fast-paced course emphasizes
on-river scenarios in order to help students develop
the ability to choose good actions when a river rescue
becomes necessary. Taught by paddlers who spend a
good portion of their lives on whitewater in a professional capacity, this course will focus on quick, efficient, low-tech techniques for rescue that utilize the
basic gear that you are likely to carry with you on the
river in your boat. Focusing on rescue scenarios that
you are likely to encounter while paddling, students
will practice rescue techniques through a variety of
on river scenarios. The course is perfect for private
paddlers (kayakers, rafters, cat boaters, etc.). Everything in class will be designed to challenge folks that
spend time paddling in Whitewater Rivers. Scenariobased learning will challenge students with realistic
rescue situations. We know that the gear kayakers
and rafters carry is different than the gear carried by
Search and Rescue professionals.
More on the course can be found at
–Paul Rogers


April 2nd, 2022 Nisqually Cleanup and Rower’s Progression

Rowers progression and clean up!

The 3rd “not yet annual” Nisqually River is a fun run with a long season. WRRR and other paddling groups will help clean up the Nisqually.  We will do a rower’s progression during the event with the goal of “stopping anywhere” and superior boat control.

The Washington Kayak Club, Washington Recreational River Runners and Paddle Trails Canoe Club invite you to join us on April 2, 2022 to help clean up the Nisqually River once again.  This is our third year of  what we hope will be an annual event.  As in past years, we are undertaking this cleanup with support from the Nisqually River Foundation and other partners, including American Whitewater, American Rivers and its National River Cleanup® Initiative, American Canoe Association, Jackson Kayak, Thurston County Public Works, LeMay Pacific Disposal, City of Centralia, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

Info and Sign up here:


By undertaking this Event, we hope to (a) heighten awareness and appreciation of the Nisqually River; (b) celebrate the river’s unique attributes; (c) foster stewardship of the river; and (d) promote the Nisqually River Water Trail Plan and Recommendations. To learn more about the Nisqually River Water Trail click here.

Where Will the Cleanup Be Held?

We will be primarily cleaning up two sections of the Nisqually River: 1) McKenna Park to Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant) – Class II-III – 9 miles; and 2) Nisqually Park to the 6th Avenue S.E. WDFW Water Access Site – Class I-II – 8 miles. There may be wood or other hazards on both sections of the river.

You can view a map of each section of the Nisqually River prepared by the Nisqually River Council by clicking here:  Map 1  Map 2

What Volunteers are Needed and What Must I do to Join this Event?

We need volunteers to boat the river and to help on land at our water access sites.

All volunteers must register here, check-in on the day of the Event, and agree to a Waiver and Release of Liability to participate in this Event.  This includes boaters who have signed up for a trip being sponsored by WKC, WRRR, PTCC, or another club or organization in conjunction with this Event and those helping out on land.

Minors are welcome, provided their parent or guardian sign their Waiver and Release of Liability and they are accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult. To ensure that is the case, we ask that the adult register first, create a team, and then invite the minors whom the adult will be supervising to register as part of his or her team. You can view the waiver forms by clicking here:  Adult WaiverMinor Waiver.

If more than one volunteer will be in a raft or other watercraft, they should register as a team (the first volunteer to register will create the team and invite the other volunteers to register as a member of the team).

Safety First!

We will take a moment to talk about safety before volunteers launch their watercraft or collect, haul, or sort garbage and recyclables.  No volunteer should consume alcohol or drugs before or during this Event.  Volunteers who wish to consume alcohol after this Event should only do so where it is legally permitted. No volunteer may participate in this Event under the influence of alcohol or drugs. During this Event, volunteers must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. To view a copy of our Safety and Risk Management Plan click here. To view our Volunteer Safety and Trash Collection Guidelines, click here.


We will be following all Center for Disease Control (CDC), Washington State, and Thurston County COVID-19 requirements governing outdoor, recreational events, including those pertaining to masks and social distancing. We strongly recommend that on the morning of the Nisqually River Cleanup, before arriving for this Event, each registrant use the CDC Coronavirus Self-Checker which can be accessed by clicking here and follow its recommendations in regard to quarantining and isolating. Please stay home if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms or have recently tested positive or been exposed to someone who has.

If you are not fully vaccinated, you should plan on making your own shuttle arrangements in advance prior to arriving at this Event.

What are the Other Requirements to Boat the River?

Volunteers who wish to boat the river must:

(a) check in with designated trip leaders before launching and after reaching the take-out;

(b) have the requisite skills to safely boat the river;

(c) be properly clothed for cold water immersion and be prepared to get wet, flip over, or go into the water;

(d) wear a properly fitted, U.S. Coast Guard approved lifejacket and, for those  kayakers boating Class II and III sections of the river, a paddling helmet;

(e) bring their own suitable watercraft with appropriate flotation;

(f) boat as a group and not alone; and

(g) follow all safety instructions from trip leader, safety, and sweep boaters.

Boaters should choose the section of the river they want to clean up when registering, taking into account their skill level and the difficulty and hazards they are likely to encounter. Those boaters who are participating in this Event as members of WRRR, WKC or PTCC or another club or organization should follow the instructions of their Trip Leaders as to where and when to meet. Other boaters should plan to meet at the takeout for the section of the river they plan to boat, where we will organize shuttles to the launch site. Please arrive early enough so that you can check in, sign any necessary waivers, gear up, and be ready to shuttle by 10:00 A.M. Remember to bring water, lunch and other food to get you through the day.

We Also Need Volunteers to Help on Land at Each Water Access Site

To make this Event a success, we need volunteers to help on land. Volunteers are needed at McKenna Park and Nisqually Park .

We’ll need help with event setup, registration and check-in, hauling items we collect from boats to drop boxes at each of the take outs, sorting recyclables from garbage, photography and event cleanup. We will contact you the week prior to this Event and tell you where to meet and when.

All volunteers who plan to help at our water access sites should wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy shoes and bring rain gear and work gloves. We also suggest that you bring water, lunch and whatever other food you need to get through the day.


We will not be hosting an after Event BBQ because of the Pandemic. We will however, be giving away some “swag” from Jackson Kayaks dba Jackson Adventures through a “door prize” raffle for those attending the Event who register in advance.

Advance Registration is Helpful and Encouraged.

We ask that you register in advance where possible. This will ensure that we have sufficient personnel and resources to make this Event a success.

Online registration will close on Friday, April 1, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. Volunteers who are unable to register in advance may register on the day of this Event between 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. at McKenna and Nisqually Park (aka Yelm Hydro Plant)..


What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from this Event?

All volunteers are encouraged to carpool to the Nisqually River Cleanup. Free parking is available at both McKenna Park and Nisqually Park. A Discover Pass or WDFW Vehicle Access Pass is required to park your vehicle at the 6th Avenue SE Water Access Site. We will organize shuttles for those boating the river who are fully vaccinated and wearing masks. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should make your own shuttle arrangements in advance, before arriving at this Event.

How do I find directions to the water access sites that we’ll be using for this Event?

We will email you directions to each of the sites.

Can I update or cancel my registration?

You can update or cancel your registration online until registration closes on April 1, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. You can also update your registration in person on the day of this Event at McKenna and Nisqually Park between 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. If you want to cancel your registration after registration closes, please email us at We ask all those who register to cancel their registration if they will not be joining us.

Can I get a ride on someone else’s raft or watercraft?  

No, unless you have made such arrangements in advance with another volunteer or through one of the Clubs or other organizations participating in the Event and have registered as part of a team.

What if it rains or the water level is too high or low on the day of the Event?

We plan to proceed with the cleanup regardless of rain, as long as the river is not flooding or too low and is safely navigable. We will notify those who register in advance by email if we find it necessary to cancel this Event because of safety or other concerns. We will also post signs at McKenna and Nisqually Parks should this Event be cancelled.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

If you have questions, please email



Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:04 Repo, Nancy, Brenan, Tamie, Randy, Karie, Paul
  2. Review minutes and approve
    1. Check previous month’s action items –
      1. Repo still to set up CPR class
      2. Brenan and Nancy sent Brian articles
      3. Board to discuss Waterlog and then speak with Brian
  3. Review agenda
  4. 156 members (159 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Rebecca/Brenan – working with Diversify Whitewater to potentially assist with events.  Triad may help out with guides.
      1. One pending scholarship that Brenan will reach out to
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post – nothing local.  posted to fb page adjudications in NM who were trying to privatize river.
      1. Mill take out on Sauk to look at wood debris, left channel still looks clear, right channel has been and still is clogged.  Can scout before running channel.
    3. Safety and Education – Paul Rogers – some people dropped out, need more people to have class.  May need to do another out reach to gather more people.  Currently only 3 signed up, 1 potential.  Need 10(?)  May need to open to non-WRRR people to fill spots on condition they join WRRR
      1. Repo to follow up on CPR class
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini & Nancy – Need to ping David about how to change Committee owners
      1. Brenan reaching out to people renewing to see if they are ok with sharing contact info
      2. Tom T memorial in May – posted to website
      3. Mike H. OR fire looking for used gear – posted to website
      4. Need to update Paul’s address in Waterlog
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke – Membership meeting at Claim Jumper.  One new member
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith – no update
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Joe Koncikowski – He picked up mail and dealt with check last month.  Karie to ping Joe about mail status.  Brenan also to ping Joe
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – No updates
  6. Events
    1. Tilton Trek roundup (2/19/2022) – too low.  driving and hiking happened instead
    2. Flip Practice status (4/24/2022) – Jim Johnson.  Pretty sure we will do it at Lake Ballinger.
    3. Green River Cleanup status (4/30/2022).  May keep Sat Pre-weekend run to scout for trash opportunities.
      1. Green River Clean Up Committee is pretty strong.
      2. Repo to call Mary to see if she is interested in running BBQ
      3. WA Kayak club & Paddle trails to do lower river and need raft to assist
    4. Misc River Ops
      1. Nisqually on calendar has 2021 dates.  Needs updated info
  7. Old Business
    1. -Waterlog Editor status? Use of waterlog in future? Brenan thinks we haven’t sent an announcement out yet?
      1. If Waterlog continues as is, may need to look at replacing Brian.  If we want to keep Waterlog, need to write up request for volunteers.
      2. What is advantage of waterlog for members – it is duplicate of website and FB
      3. Could enable easier submission on website
      4. Gives monthly reminder of membership status
      5. Quit doing Waterlog and do roster instead.
      6. Have a web master who could automate sending new articles, calendar, and membership status monthly emails
      7. Form Sub-Committee to determine and implement path forward
        1. try to bring in both David & Brian to subcommittee
        2. How to address non-fb people
        3. What to call Sub-committee:
          1. Repo, Brenan, Karie, David, Brian, Pete Tyron, Mike H, Randy
    2. 2.-WRRR webmaster Status? Future WRRR needs, Can anyone spearhead this. Brenan is reaching out to Pete Tyron to see if he would still be available to help at some extent. Suggest, maybe start small with helping update events. Even if we pay for a website, we will still need to create the content and upload info
      1. Pete may be able to continue current activity that Brenan and Repo manage.
      2. Is there a backup of current website and info?
      3. Transition to Club Express similar to what WA Kayak Club uses.
      4. OWA website managed by someone for cost of advertising.
      5. Find out how much time David spends a year?  May be worthwhile to pay Web Developer
  8. New Business
    1. Leavenworth boat launch porta-potties – Couple at Eagle Creek – Wed before Rendezvous picked up following week at their availability, couple at Leavenworth May – June
      1. Randy to contact them to see if it makes sense price wise to leave Eagle Creek for more than a week and schedule from May 1 to June 31.  flexible dates based on their availability
    2. April board meeting location
      1. Need someone to run meeting – Repo will be on river.  Nancy to run April meeting.  Brenan to run May meeting.
      2. April and May both by Phone
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 3/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Green River Cleanup full article
    3. Programs – Flip Practice full article
      1. need to fix Waterlog and Website article with correct date 4/24/2022
      2. All – check website for 2021/old date references
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. Review Website Access permissions with webmaster to ensure people can make necessary updates: Standing Committee reports, dates, ect.
  11. Adjourn 8:15pm
Classifieds News

Fellow River friend looses gear in Alameda fire

Used gear plea:

Our friend Shane lost his entire home/*everything* in the devastating Alameda Fire in the Ashland-Talent area in southern Oregon Sept 2020.

Only the boat trailer survived in his driveway with only a little melting of the lights (which we got replaced & wheel hubs regreased).

We’re trying to help him rebuild his rafting setup so he can take his young son and his friends out on the Rogue this summer.

We’re especially looking for leads on any decent 10’ oars right now, and  any extra dry bags & such appreciated as well so we can do multi-day trips with him again.

Thanks for any leads river friends! Email Shane direct:

 We have friends all over the west that could pick donated items up for him, as we all get together on rivers throughout the spring and into summer. Paddle on!


-Michael Howell

News WRRR Board

March 19th Rowers Progression 2022-1


This will start at Clear Creek and end at the Darrington Mill. The run is class 2+ with some easy 3. Some boaters will run the class 3+ section above and meet the progression group at Clear Creek.  Please check here the days prior to the event and we will post any final details.

Meet at 10am Darrington IGA for ADVANCED run (Whitechuck to Clear Creek).  We will all be inflated and on trailers.  If you plan to meet us, please be ready or go early to the put in to inflate.

Meet at 12-12:30pm Clear Creek for Rower’s PROGRESSION.  You can get your boats ready in the pull out on the West side of the highway where Clear Creek goes under Mountain loop Hwy.  (this is just south of Clear Creek Campground).

Many of us will swim a small class 2- rapid and others will work on throw bagging skills.  Members are encouraged to scout this rapid prior to running it and /or swimming it.  Advanced Jedi’s will attempt to pin their boat on the small wrap rock, so Padiwon’s can work on rescue skills, group structure and basic rescue skills.  Swimmers can count strokes and work to decrease the amount of strokes needed to cross the small channel.

The right channel above the takeout is full of wood.  Make sure to use the left channel!!!   See you there!!

The WRRR Progression series is a group of river trips designed to help you learn skills. We start with easy runs and work our way up. The trips are open to rowers and IKers and anyone else who wants to join in. The trip leaders and helpers are all experienced boaters, and can help you with all kinds of skills. Get on it!

Trip Leaders:

Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:03pm Repo, Nancy, Brenan, Erik, Tamie, Karie
    1. Guest: Jim Johnson
  2. Review minutes and approve: yea
    1. Check previous month’s action items
  3. Review agenda
  4. 159 members (156 members last month, highest ever 167 in March 2020)
  5. Standing Committee Reports
    1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Carried over about $190 in budget
    2. River Watch – Rebecca Post: Nothing New
    3. Safety and Education –
      1. Paul & Tamie: Repo handed to Paul. Paul submitted May 21-22 Wet Planet Safety course for $145.45 on Cedar article to waterlog.  4 members currently signed up.  Paul wants to send to Instagram and send to FB/email.
      2. Any interest in CPR class?  Most say Yes  Repo going to see if we can get a class going
    4. Communications – Brenan Filippini & Nancy:
      1. A-Rob set up Instagram account already.  Paul to connect with A-Rob for posting. Brenan has been updating calendar and dates.  Last year we moved flipped practice to KP to help with Clean-up, so it can be to wherever.
      2. Nancy has been working with Brian on content.  Not enough for just January, so combined with Feb.
      3. When Brenan meets with David on Agenda, then include Repo
      4. Brenan connected David with person who volunteered to help with IT
    5. Membership – Tamie Stonke: No updates
    6. Programs and Volunteers – Erik Smith: No Updates
    7. Mail pickup/Meeting reservations –
      1. Karie: Joe still has key, he said he picked up mail 3 weeks ago and got checked deposited.
      2. Claim Jumper reservation for Feb 24th
    8. WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post: Brenan has an order pending
  6. Events
    1. Tilton Trek status (2/19/2022): still a go.  Brian is planning on doing wood scout on 2/18 and group trip on 2/19.  If not enough water, other activities may occur
    2. Flip Practice planning (4/24/2022): Jim Johnson – KP doesn’t think they will need any help this year.  Recommend to move flip practice back to Lake Ballinger.  Start at 11am, grill starts soon after and available as needed, plan to end about 4pm. budget for $200.  Brenan updating article.
    3. Nisqually Clean-up (4/2/2022) – Repo: Greg is not thrilled about doing food this year.  Though he has several raffle items this year.  If someone from WRRR would like to do bbq, they can or just do low key potluck at campground.  $100 food budget, $200 camping budget.  Repo to look into reserving campground Friday & Saturday night.  Website should be up soon to register for event. WCC handling insurance.  Basic info is on WRRR site.
    4. Green River Cleanup planning (4/30/2022): KP Pre-clean do not need help at this time.
    5. Misc River Ops
      1. Rowers progression scattered dates:
        1. 1st one March 19 – Sauk
        2. April 2 Nisqually
        3. April 24 Flip practice
        4. Wenatchee – tbd
        5. Poker Run
  7. Old Business
    1. Status of safety class planning – already discussed
  8. New Business
    1. Discuss budget – approve if possible: Repo increased White Salmon Camp, added Nisqually cleanup, increased AWW membership.  Brenan moves to approve, Nancy seconds, all approve
      1. DE&I discussion, wait until sub-committee meets before making any decisions
    2. Status for getting donations of prizes: VP Business supposed to be responsible but that responsibility was spread out to others over past few years..  Might be time to relook at responsibilities to ensure they are aligned correctly.  Nancy happy to call people, Brenan to look up old sponsorship info, Repo to make list of equipment people and vendors to make some calls.  Brenan – sometimes they will throw in free stuff if purchase certain amount
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 2/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
      1. Nancy & Brenan to send articles to Brian
        1. Brenan wants forum back
      2.  Brian would like us to take a look at purpose of Waterlog and future direction.  Nancy & Brenan to meet with Brian.
        1. non-social media people – maybe one of them would be interested in role?
        2. trip reports
        3. upcoming events
    2. VP River Ops – Green River Cleanup teaser
    3. Brenan to reach out to people as they renew to confirm if they want their name in the roster.  About 10% through
  10. Announcements and good of the order
    1. snow pack seems to be great up north, should be banner years for Sauk, Skagit
    2. Video of people putting in on the Skagit – must watch.  Tamie will post to WRRR FB page.
  11. Adjourn 7:58pm
Board Meeting Minutes News WRRR Board

January 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order: 7:07 pm: Nancy, Tamie, Brenan, Randy, Repo, Erik, Karie
  2. Review agenda: updated
  3. Review minutes from last meeting – All approved
  4. New Board
    1. We start the year with 156 members
    2. Introduce officers
      1. President – Repo
      2. VP of Business – Karie
      3. VP of Finance – Brenan
      4. River Ops – Randy
      5. Erik, Tamie, Paul – at large
    3. Elect Chairperson – Repo.  All approve
    4. Go over officer duties: Section 7 in Bylaws
      1. President – make sure everything gets done, delegate, communicate with Brian about waterlog
      2. VP Bus – minutes & Publish
      3. Finance – Banking, Budget, membership db, taxes
      4. River Ops – organizes river trips, delegates, reserves camp grounds, coordinates prizes, and schedule portapotty delivery
  5. Select Committee Chairs and go over duties: section 7 in Bylaws
    1. River Watch: keeps eye on river issues and projects, works to get people to help out with projects:  Repo & Brenan
    2. Safety and Education: organizes one day safety classes & events – Paul & Tamie
    3. Communications: works with waterlog editor and web editor, need good grasp of technology: Brenan & ?
    4. Programs/Volunteers: reserve meeting locations, spring flip, repair clinic: Erik
    5. WRRR Wear: order, store, display: Repo
  6. Old Business
    1. January membership meeting: Currently scheduled for 1/20 at Claim Jumper.  decided to postpone.  Nancy will cancel reservation at Claim Jumper.  Reschedule to Feb 24th @ Claim Jumper
      1. Introduce new board to general membership
      2. Permit info – put something in WaterLog for permits.  Bill Smith’s website has links to all sites for permits.  May want to get reminder out earlier than waterlog.  Send FB post and all membership email.  Repo to write quick blurb and send to David and Brenan for distribution
    2. Audit committee report – Audit committee met.  Repo did well according to Brenan.  Repo & Brenan to get together to hand off spreadsheet.  have money in bank and 6 people have renewed membership.
      1. Karie to get key to post office.  check for Rosie’s checks.  Get added to bank account to upload checks
  7. Events for the year:
    1. New Years Day float (2022-01-15):  currently a go
    2. Tilton Trek (2022-02-19): nothing needed
    3. Nisqually clean-up (2022-04-02): Repo has worked with Greg and confirmed it is that Saturday.  Repo will check on camping
    4. Flip Practice (2022-04-24): Programs & Volunteers coordinates
    5. Green River Cleanup (2022-04-30): Camp reserved, Rangers currently do not know if they will need help prior.  Need to confirm with Rangers during event for 2023, Group site and sites 1-10.  Event run by Green River Cleanup committee
    6. Wenatchee Rendezvous (2022-06-04): Need to reserve toilets
    7. White Salmon Retreat (2022-07-09): Camping has been reserved.
    8. Poker Run (2022-08-06): Camping has been reserved
    9. Tieton Rally (2022-09-10): Toilets need to be reserved
    10. Rogue or Lower Salmon (2022-09-18)
    11. Sauktoberfest (2022-10-22)
  8. New Business
    1. Hollenbeck Park reservation: Brenan to send confirmation to board
    2. Need people to touch base with KP – Brenan – KP is good to go.  Need to update this task to KP from Shangri-La
  9. Waterlog articles needed by 1/20
    1. NOTE: Make sure Brian verifies receipt of articles
    2. VP River Ops – Green River Cleanup teaser
    3. President – President’s welcome message: Repo
    4. Membership meeting postpone message: Repo
  10. Announcements and good of the order:
    1. Repo thanks us all for being suckers for another year
    2. Hangover float this Saturday on the Cedar, meet at Nancy’s
    3. Skagit river access was unacceptable during snow event.
    4. Tamie ran Skagit on Sunday Jan 9 and only saw a handful.
    5. Repo to email Paul and let him know he is Safety guy.  Tamie agrees to help.
  11. Adjourn
Community News

Please support our newest sponsor TEROCO Whitewater

News River Safety

Safety Code of Conduct

This weekend, I am reminded to keep your eyes on your POD, and continue to keep the safety of your group and others at the paramount.   We had some swimmers this weekend, that would have been in trouble if other members hadn’t reacted quickly.   

Here is the American Whitewater code of conduct.  Please take a few minutes a year to reread and make sure you are an asset on the river.


Green River: Mercury & The Nozzle Video

About WRRR Community News

WRRR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

During this time of cultural reflection, WRRR like the rest of the world community, has taken time to reflect on diversity and inclusion in our club and the whitewater sport we love. We acknowledge that whitewater, like many outdoor sports, has a limited number of people of color participants. Our club wants to be a part of improving the diversity of the sport we love and making WRRR a more inclusive space. As part of the larger conversation we are looking for ways we can take real action to actively amplify diversity in our club and sport. We are committed to taking a critical look at our internal system and process to discuss inequities that keep WRRR from being a place where all people from various backgrounds and life experiences can experience the love of whitewater. Below outlines some of our initial actions and mission.

Actions Taken:

  • Assembled a preliminary committee on diversity and inclusion
  • Provide an initial response and set of priorities and mission

Top Priorities/Mission

  • Reevaluate our brand partnerships
    • Moving forward we will be conscience of partnering with brands who share our organizations values
  • Formalize our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee
    • In our next board meeting we will move to make a diversity and inclusion committee a permanent part of the WRRR board
    • The committee will have members from the board, membership, and we will seek out participation from resource experts and organizations that advance diversity and inclusion.
    • Work to support and partner with other organizations that facilitate diversity and inclusion in whitewater and/or outdoor sports to underrepresented communities
    • Educate ourselves and club members on how to be allies.
    • Support and collaborate with organizations doing the work to make positive impact on whitewater or outdoor diversity
  • Evaluate all of our club communication and documentation with a lens of equity and inclusivity

We undertake this knowing there are no easy solutions or overnight fixes and that this represents just the start. We also acknowledge that we can’t do this alone and that for it to be successful we will need the breadth of our community voices to participate in the challenging conversations and encourage participation in the committee and in respectful discourse on the topics.

News River Safety Uncategorized

Legalities of Risk and Rafting

WRRR member Mark Trivett has an article in Rafting Magazine about the risks and responsibilities of taking your friends down the river. It’s a great read.

To read the article, click here.


WRRR Rower’s Progression

Are you a new boater wanting to learn how to row or run an inflatable kayak (IK)? Or, are you a seasoned boater who wants to renew and improve your skills with the help of experienced boaters? Or, are you just looking for a fun trip with other WRRR members?

Whatever the case, the WRRR Rower’s Progression is a great way to learn while having a great time!

Click here to view the calendar of Rower’s Progression events.

Note that some of these events are associated with other WRRR events.

  • The final decision on times and meeting places are made the Thursday before the trip. Announcements will be made on on the WRRR Facebook group and forums.
  • If you are not a WRRR member, you will need to sign a waiver or join the club. You can join WRRR here.
  • You are expected to bring proper whitewater equipment (whitewater-capable craft, throwbag, PFD, and helmet.
  • You are expected to adhere to the American Whitewater Safety Code.

(Trivia fact: The boater in the photo did not fall off the boat….. that time.)

News River Safety

Inflatable Kayaking Self Rescue Hints

I was going to write a really long article about IK self rescue, but there was just so much to say and it might be boring to a lot of people, so I decided to just give a couple of hints.

I have flipped a lot over the years, and I am not a nimble, athletic person. Getting back in the IK is hard for me, but I have found some things that help.

The main thing I do is to not let go of my boat and paddle. There are two parts to this. First, my thigh straps and footbrace lock me into the boat well enough that when I flip over, I am still in the boat. I have to flex my feet to release them from the footbrace, which allows my legs to come out. Second, when I come out of the boat, I grab my thigh strap in my right hand and hold my paddle in my left. When I come up, I am still holding my boat. I can almost always grab the far thigh strap under the boat, pull with one hand, and push the near tube up with the other. This flips the boat back over quickly, and I’m still holding onto it.

The other thing I do is to practice in rapids. Practicing in flatwater will help you learn some techniques, but flipping in a rapid will teach you how to get in fast and do it right. If you can self-rescue in a class III rapid, you are much more likely to be able to self-rescue in tougher rapids.

In the end, if you have confidence that you can get back in your boat, you can run more challenging whitewater or you can have more fun goofing around on the easier rapids.


Welcome our new sponsor – Sawyer Paddles and Oars

Please welcome our newest sponsor, Sawyer. This is a great company with great products.


Get those drysuit repairs done now!

Sure, it’s warm and sunny outside, and you don’t need your drysuit (unless you are an IKer) but in a few months we’ll be back to boating in the rain. Now is the time to get your drysuit tested and ready for the rainy season. There are club members who can help you repair the drysuit yourself, or you can send your suit back to Kokatat or OS Systems to have them repaired professionally.

See you on the river!