1. Call to order – Repo called to order @ 7:24 –  Repo, Brenan, Candice, Tamie, Randy, Nancy, Duane
  2. Review minutes and approve (how do we get minutes posted to the website?)
  • Check previous month’s action items
  1. Review agenda
  2. Member numbers (Brenan?) 145
  3. Standing Committee Reports
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Megan Kelly – Diversify white water – September 8 – NAncy to provide kayaks & raft for this event
  • River Watch – Candice Larson – Low water everywhere. 
  • Safety and Education – Candice Larson – Whitewater Rescue class was completed.
  • Communications (Website)– Jarrad Kruger & Candice Larson (Brenan)
  • Membership – Tamie Stonke – Several new members from White Salmon and Poker Run this year.
  • Programs and Volunteers – At Large
  • Mail pickup/Meeting reservations – Nancy Douty – NTR
  • WRRR Wear – Rebecca Post – Sales were good from Green River and the Poker Run
  1. Events
  • Tieton planning – Please be flexible as far as the fires and firefighters proceed. Mike Curtis is sending updates as to what is going on with the fires, river and camping. Possible plan B? Thompson, Chiliwak, White Salmon, Skagit River? Anything other than the Tieton would require members to provide their own camping arrangements. Tieton – Toilets on hold until further notice. Guler County Park is an option if moved to the White Salmon.
  • Rogue River planning – Private trip – Jason Cohen has the permit. Posted on the website. 
  • Gear Swap planning and review of needs – At Burn’s house? October 12
  • Sauktoberfest – October 19th, multiple locations for camping this year!
  • Misc River Ops – SKagit putin @ Goodell is reopened.
  1. Old Business
  • Website Update
  • We need the calendar filled out
  • Finance Update
  1. New Business
  • Discuss what officer positions directors are interested in learning – Repo, Randy & Brenan are at the end of their term. Mark Burns is interested in President, Adam Scherenbeck is interested in VP Finance, Candice Larson interested in VP River Ops
  • Assemble nomination committee – Repo, Candice, Tamie, Duane – need help recruiting new board members!
  1. Waterlog will be delayed due to Jarrad’s focus on the website. The following need to be addressed in the website:
  • NOTE: Make sure Jarrad verifies receipt of articles
  • VP River Ops – Tieton article
  • Rogue River article
  • VP River Ops – Gear Swap teaser
  1. Announcements and good of the order – Logins?

11. Adjourn